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Muncie Public Library is not responsible for the content at these sites, nor are we endorsing any of these sites. We have briefly reviewed them and believe they contain helpful and useful information.
Indiana Department of Revenue

State Income Tax Forms & Publications (IN Department of Revenue)

Find forms and instructions for Indiana income taxes.

Muncie Public Library is not responsible for the content at these sites, nor are we endorsing any of these sites. We have briefly reviewed them and believe they contain helpful and useful information.
STATS Indiana

STATS Indiana

Tool for Indiana's public data such as economic and demographic statistics.

Muncie Public Library is not responsible for the content at these sites, nor are we endorsing any of these sites. We have briefly reviewed them and believe they contain helpful and useful information.
TeachingBooks for Libraries

TeachingBooks for Libraries

Multimedia resources about fiction and nonfiction children's books. Find book trailers, videos with authors, audio performances, discussion questions, and more ways to engage readers with books. TeachingBooks for Schools is also available.

Provided via INSPIRE, a service of the Indiana State Library. INSPIRE is supported by the Indiana General Assembly and the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act.

Turtle Diary

Turtle Diary

Muncie Public Library is not responsible for the content at these sites, nor are we endorsing any of these sites. We have briefly reviewed them and believe they contain helpful and useful information.
U.S. Census Bureau

U.S. Census Bureau

Find popular facts (population, income, etc.) and other frequently requested data. The Census Bureau Academy contains quick how-to videos, webinars, and in-depth tutorials to learn how to access and use Census Bureau data.

Muncie Public Library is not responsible for the content at these sites, nor are we endorsing any of these sites. We have briefly reviewed them and believe they contain helpful and useful information.
US Mint Kids Games

US Mint Kids Games

Muncie Public Library is not responsible for the content at these sites, nor are we endorsing any of these sites. We have briefly reviewed them and believe they contain helpful and useful information.


Locate books, journals and magazines, music scores, archival materials, and media in libraries worldwide. If it’s not available locally, you can request it through Interlibrary Loan.

Muncie Public Library is not responsible for the content at these sites, nor are we endorsing any of these sites. We have briefly reviewed them and believe they contain helpful and useful information.