
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | L | M | N | P | R | S | T | U | W
Math Playground

Math Playground

Muncie Public Library is not responsible for the content at these sites, nor are we endorsing any of these sites. We have briefly reviewed them and believe they contain helpful and useful information.


Health and drug information written for patients in English and Spanish.

Muncie Public Library is not responsible for the content at these sites, nor are we endorsing any of these sites. We have briefly reviewed them and believe they contain helpful and useful information.
Muncie Public Library

Muncie Public Library Digital Archives

Muncie Public Library's searchable digital archives of special collections of yearbooks, photographs, oral histories, and more. New content added regularly. Visit Carnegie Library to access the complete physical archives or contact us for assistance.

Muncie Public Library

Muncie/Delaware County Digital Resource Library

Delaware County Court Documents, Wills, Deeds, Obituary Index, Funeral Home Records, and Beech Grove Cemetery Records. Muncie Public Library has been digitizing and hosting this database of Muncie and Delaware County records since the 1990s.

Museums for Digital Learning

Museums for Digital Learning

Museum content organized into resource kits and activities for K-12 educators and students to use and share

Muncie Public Library is not responsible for the content at these sites, nor are we endorsing any of these sites. We have briefly reviewed them and believe they contain helpful and useful information.

Search non-confidential cases in Indiana courts that use the Odyssey case management system, which is most courts across the state. Searchable by case number, party name, or attorney. Background information about the system and usage tips are available from the Indiana Judicial Branch.

Muncie Public Library is not responsible for the content at these sites, nor are we endorsing any of these sites. We have briefly reviewed them and believe they contain helpful and useful information.


Genealogy records from around the world including birth, marriage, death, military, census, and more.