
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | L | M | N | P | R | S | T | U | W
Ancestry Library

Ancestry Library

Genealogy database with billions of records from around the world including birth, marriage, death, census, immigration, military, and more. May only be used within the library.

Biography Reference Source

Biography Reference Source

Biographical articles and narrative biographies. Provided via INSPIRE, a service of the Indiana State Library. INSPIRE is supported by the Indiana General Assembly and the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act.

Consumer Health Complete

Consumer Health Complete

Health information aimed at patients. Provided via INSPIRE, a service of the Indiana State Library. INSPIRE is supported by the Indiana General Assembly and the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act.

Explora for Public Libraries

Explora for Elementary School

Research portal designed for use in Kindergarten through grade 5 with a focus on the arts, literature, biography, current events, geography, culture, health, history, math, science and more.

Additional interfaces available for Educators, Elementary Students in grades K-5, Middle School Students in grades 6-8, and High School Students in grades 9-12

INSPIRE is a service of the Indiana State Library. INSPIRE is supported by the Indiana General Assembly and the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act.

Explora for Public Libraries

Explora for High School

Research portal designed for students in grades 9 through 12 with a focus on the arts, literature, biography, business and careers, current events, geography and culture, health, history, math, science and more.

Other editions of Explora are available for a General Audience, Educators, Elementary Students in grades K-5, and Middle School Students in grades 6-8.

INSPIRE is a service of the Indiana State Library. INSPIRE is supported by the Indiana General Assembly and the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act.

Explora for Public Libraries

Explora for Middle School

Research portal designed for use in Grade 6 through 8 with a focus on the arts, literature, biography, current events, geography, culture, health, history, math, science and more.

Other editions of Explora are available for Educators, Elementary Students in grades K-5, and High School Students in grades 9-12

INSPIRE is a service of the Indiana State Library. INSPIRE is supported by the Indiana General Assembly and the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act.

Explora for Public Libraries

Explora for Public Libraries

Research portal for a general audience. Search and browse a large collection of popular magazines, reference books, and other reliable sources covering general interest subjects such as the arts, literature, biography, business and careers, current events, geography and culture, health, history, math, science and more. Includes photos, maps, and flags. 

Additional interfaces available for Educators, Elementary Students in grades K-5, Middle School Students in grades 6-8, and High School Students in grades 9-12

INSPIRE is a service of the Indiana State Library. INSPIRE is supported by the Indiana General Assembly and the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act.

Foundation Directory by Candid

Foundation Directory (Candid)

Non-profit organizations seeking grants may use this tool to find and connect with grantmakers and grant recipients, read application guidelines and program summaries, view 990 tax returns, analyze funding trends, and research potential funders. Individual grant seekers such as students, artists, researchers can search for organizations providing scholarships, fellowships, and internships. Only accessible inside the library. 

Candid is a nonprofit that helps other nonprofits serve their communities. As a member of Candid’s network of nonprofit-serving organizations, Muncie Public Library provides visitors with free public access to Candid’s key tools including GuideStar and Foundation Directory. View Resources for Nonprofits [link to /learn/nonprofit-resources] for helpful links to available books, articles, websites, and videos. You may also send us a search request, and a librarian will send you results from Foundation Directory Professional within 1-2 business days. Fill out the Grant Research Request form to begin.

Funk and Wagnalls New Encyclopedia

Funk and Wagnalls New Encyclopedia

Search for encyclopedia entries. Provided via INSPIRE, a service of the Indiana State Library. INSPIRE is supported by the Indiana General Assembly and the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act.

GuideStar (Candid)

GuideStar (Candid)

A source of information about nonprofit organizations. View profiles of nonprofits where you can donate, work, volunteer, or receive services. Nonprofits choose how much to share on their profiles, and may include the organization’s location, activities, finances, leadership, reports of program results, and Seal of Transparency. The GuideStar Seal is a widely adopted symbol of transparency in the U.S. social sector. Only accessible inside the library. 

Candid is a nonprofit that helps other nonprofits serve their communities. Muncie Public Library is a Candid Community Partner and we offer access to Candid’s key tools including Foundation Directory and GuideStar. Nonprofits and individuals seeking funding, scholarships, or fellowships can access Foundation Directory to find and connect with funders. Customers can access GuideStar to research local nonprofits to support and to find services.

Explora for Public Libraries

History Reference Source

History encyclopedias, non-fiction books, journal articles, and documents. Provided via INSPIRE, a service of the Indiana State Library. INSPIRE is supported by the Indiana General Assembly and the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act.

Hoosier State Chronicles

Hoosier State Chronicles

Indiana's digital historic newspaper program. Hoosier State Chronicles is operated by the Indiana State Library and funded by the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act. We seek to provide free, online access to high quality digital images of Indiana's historic newspapers by digitizing our collection, and assisting other organizations in making their collections digitally available.

Muncie Public Library is not responsible for the content at these sites, nor are we endorsing any of these sites. We have briefly reviewed them and believe they contain helpful and useful information.
Inspire lifelong learning library for Hoosiers


Lifelong learning library for Hoosiers. Offers resources for research, test preparation, career planning, and Indiana news and history. INSPIRE is a service of the Indiana State Library. INSPIRE is supported by the Indiana General Assembly and the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act.

Learning Express Library

Learning Express Library

Study aids and practice tests to help core academic skills, pass the GED, prepare for college, join the military, obtain job certifications, find a job, change careers, become a U.S. citizen, and more. Provided via INSPIRE, a service of the Indiana State Library. INSPIRE is supported by the Indiana General Assembly and the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act.



Borrow ebooks, audiobooks, and magazines at the Indiana Digital Library website or through the Libby app

Borrowing Periods: 

  • Borrow ebook, audiobook, or magazine titles for 7, 14, or 21 days.
  • Titles you have borrowed appear under Loans in Libby or on your bookshelf in your account on the Indiana Digital Library website.
  • Limit of ten titles checked out at a time. Magazines do not count against your limit. You can return any titles you finish early to check out more.
  • Titles are renewable if there are no holds waiting. A renewal option shows up for items on your bookshelf 3 days before your check out expires. 
  • Your available holds display in your account in Libby and on the Indiana Digital Library website. You will have 3 days to check out your title, suspend the hold until a later time, or cancel the hold.
  • There are no late fees. Titles automatically return.