05100 | Valentine, Frank M. | 7/25/1905 |
09363 | Valentine, John | 7/22/1927 |
09534 | Valentine, Zula M. | 5/2/1928 |
00207 | Van Arsdoll, Kourt | 2/13/1844 |
06509 | Van Burskirk, Emma | 11/27/93 |
00592 | Van Buskirk, Daniel | 7/25/1865 |
10658 | Van Buskirk, James M. | |
02596 | Van Buskirk, William (Guardiaship of Heirs) | 1/15/1879 |
12871 | Van Deusen, Edith | |
01920 | Van Matre, David | 12/26/1882 |
01315 | Van Matre, David (Guardianship) | 12/1/1862 |
01290 | Van Matre, George | 4/30/1878 |
00442 | Van Matre, Henry | 5/26/1857 |
00632 | Van Matre, Henry Harrison | 7/25/1863 |
00235 | Van Matre, Isaac | 12/20/1852 |
00221 | Van Matre, James M. | 8/10/1847 |
00735 | Van Matre, Jasper | 1/21/1861 |
00220 | Van Matre, Joab | 8/11/1852 |
08984 | Van Matre, Joannah C. | 7/11/1928 |
11480 | Van Matre, John | |
00447 | Van Matre, Joseph | 6/11/1841 |
01483 | Van Matre, Joseph C. | 9/18/1880 |
03820 | Van Matre, Louisa | 10/12/1899 |
01911 | Van Matre, Martha A. | 4/16/1883 |
02773 | Van Matre, Martha A. (Guardianship of Heirs) | 6/10/1884 |
00549 | Van Matre, Milton H. | 1862 |
00230 | Van Matre, Morgan | 9/18/1844 |
00335 | Van Matre, Morgan (Guardianship of Heirs) | 2/2/1856 |
02378 | Van Matre, Nancy | 2/21/1884 |
01167 | Van Matre, Nettie V. (Guardianship) | 10/21/1861 |
03052 | Van Matre, Oliver H.P. (Guardianship of Heirs) | n. d. |
02590 | Van Matre, Richard | 10/15/1887 |
00776 | Van Matre, William | 10/25/1861 |
00049 | Van Matre, William C. | 1/26/1838 |
13611 | Van Matre, Wilmina W. | |
12395 | Van Natter, Rosa Pearl (Guardianship of Heir) | |
00597 | Van Natter, William | 1/13/1860 |
08583 | Van Nuys, Aston M. | 11/7/1922 |
02389 | Van Winkle, Jesse G. | 10/9/1877 |
03775 | Van Winkle, Jesse G. | 9/1901 |
04105 | Van Winkle, Jesse G. | 2/20/1903 |
01446 | Van Winkle, Jesse G. (Guardianship) | 10/9/1877 |
12538 | VanAllen, Hester M. (Guardianship of Heirs) | |
02274 | Vanansdall, Kourt | 2/22/1853 |
00966 | Vanarsdol, Cornelius | 5/12/1868 |
00840 | Vanarsdol, Cornelius (Guardianship) | 2/15/1868 |
11272 | VanBuskirk, Bertha M. | |
02753 | VanBuskirk, James C. | 2/12/1889 |
02142 | VanBuskirk, John E. | 4/30/1873 |
13005 | Vance, William E. | |
08480 | VanClake, Samuel J.F. | 1/14/1920 |
09568 | VanDell, Merl G. (Guardianship) | 1/6/1927 |
06243 | Vanderburg, Eunice S. | 4/23/32 |
12812 | Vanderburg, Maggie P. | |
05062 | VanFleet, Daniel (Guardianship of Heirs) | 8/12/1892 |
13943 | VanLandingham, Frederick O. (Guardianship) | |
03600 | Vanlaningham, Woodford | 10/7/1898 |
10457 | VanLoon, Anna V. | |
14153 | VanLoon, William L. | |
02266 | VanMatre, Joseph & Morgan (Guardianship) | 8/1/1877 |
04470 | VanMatre, William | 6/27/1892 |
11322 | Vannatta, Jesse (Guardianship) | |
10268 | Vannatter, Birdie A. | 10/31/1934 |
09193 | Vannatter, David | ?/5/1923 |
03819 | Vannatter, George W. | 11/15/1898 |
03722 | Vannatter, James | 9/4/1897 |
06575 | Vannatter, James B. | 2/4/1915 |
03471 | Vannatter, Mary A. | 10/11/1890 |
07146 | Vannatter, Mathias | 7/10/1918 |
07146 | Vannatter, Mathias | 7/10/1918 |
09194 | Vannatter, Nancy M. | ?/5/1923 |
13454 | Vannatter, William A. | |
10485 | Vanover, Mary | 3/21/1935 |
06055 | Vansbuskirk, Corevello K. | 6/21/1929 |
05941 | VanSkyke, Minnie D. (Guardianship of Heirs) | 5/27/1926 |
08004 | Vanskyock, Sarah J. | 07/19/1922 |
06383 | VanTress, Lucinda | 1/24/33 |
04777 | Varner, Charles | 4/10/1907 |
13420 | Varner, Minerva F. (Gordon) | |
11028 | Vatet, Eugene | |
01961 | Vaughn, Ellen M. (Guardianship) | 1/6/1885 |
01633 | Vaughn, James (Heirs) | 4/26/1876 |
09409 | Vaughn, James Franklin | 11/8/1927 |
03747 | Veach, Thomas (Guardianship of Heirs) | 12/23/1892 |
03190 | Veal, Andrew | 5/20/1896 |
00492 | Veatch, Jeremiah | 9/16/1843 |
09890 | Venable, Herman (Guardianship) | 7/3/1920 |
08173 | Venaman, Julia A. | 1894 |
14083 | Veneman, Charles |
04180b | Veneman, Homer (Guardianship of Heir) | 4/2/1901 |
03327 | Veneman, Horner | 1/22/1885 |
08618 | Venneman, Solomon | 6/29/1927 |
11267 | Vermillion, Amanda H. | |
10604 | Vermillion, Jesse | |
08438 | Verner, Elizabeth | 1/8/1925 |
08243 | Verner, Elizabeth (Guardianship) | 2/1/1923 |
04425 | Verner, William C. | 11/17/1903 |
14271 | Vernon, Rose | |
04550 | Vice, Jenetta | 11/9/1899 |
09963 | Vickers, Edith May (Guardianship) | 9/14/1931 |
10043 | Vickers, Harry | 6/25/1930 |
05099 | Viguier, Camille F. | 7/11/1911 |
07301 | Viguier, Ida may | 1/1/1913 |
07301 | Viguier, Ida May | 1913 |
02143 | Vincen, William H. Sr. | 5/25/1875 |
03328 | Vincent, Cintha | 5/8/1890 |
13639 | Vincent, James Thomas (Guardianship of Heir) | |
12774 | Vincent, Jessie Willard | |
02461 | Vincent, John W. | 11/7/1885 |
12797 | Vincent, Joseph Owen | |
09599 | Vincent, Manaen | 2/27/1929 |
01852 | Vincent, Nancy | 12/28/1880 |
06156 | Vincent, Phillip W. | 10/26/31 |
01593 | Vincent, William H. | 6/11/1873 |
05103 | Vlaskamp, Michael | 10/6/1906 |
06780 | Vlaskamp, Michael (Guardianship of Heirs) | 6/1/1918 |
13731 | Vlaskamp, Stephen P. | |
14272 | Vlaskamp, Susan O. (Guardianship of Hiers) | |
08467 | Vogt, Jacob | 10/20/1924 |
09043 | Voida, Gus | 20/12/1928 |
03186 | Voorhees, John P. | 9/26/1895 |
03072 | Voorhees, Joseph V. | 6/20/1893 |
10892 | Vorhees, Lottie | |
08378 | Vorhees, Mary E. | 6/6/1924 |
05424 | Voss, Harry N. | 5/27/1912 |