Q - Probate Index

How to Search by Last Name

If you're looking for a specific last name, click the blue tab of the first letter of the person's last name over on the left side, then use SHIFT + F (Windows) or COMMAND + F (Mac). Enter in the person's last name to go straight to every listing of their last name.

13781Quick, James 
09005Quick, James M.8/11/1927
05771Quick, Joseph A.6/24/1913
07343Quick, Mary E.2/10/1919
07343Quick, Mary E.2/10/1919
07872Quill, Ellen R.6/8/1922
08642Quill, Ellen R. (Guardianship of Heirs)1922
10148Quinlan, Ella C. (Guardianship of Heir)3/29/1932
10061Quinlan, Emma7/24/1930
00505Quinn, John5/13/1841
08000Quinter, Cyrus04/20/1922
05462Quirk, Clara Belle (Guardianship of Heirs)7/19/1911
12219Quirk, Patrick 
12806Quirk, Patrick 
06989Quirk, Thomas D. (Guardinship)6/27/1919
06047Quirk, William O'leara7/31/30
10397Quirk, William Oleara (Guardianship of Heir)11/20/1930
06193Quirk, Wm. O'Leara11/24/30