O - Probate Index

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13332O' Bryant, John W. 
13060O' Meara, Mary E. 
13396O' Toole, Jane M. 
01048Oakerson, John8/12/1871
10031Oakman, Carl S.7/18/1930
12396Oakman, Carl S. (Guardianship of Heir) 
06736Oard, James11/9/1916
09306Obley, Dora11/4/1925
01186O'Briant, William9/22/1871
08665O'Brien, William1/16/1924
06849O'Brien, William7/8/1917
05375O'Bryant, David (Guardianship of Heir)4/4/1899
06340O'Bryant, George W.6/4/32
13696O'Bryant, John Daniel 
13618O'Bryant, John Daniel (Guardianship) 
03667Ocker, John12/5/1895
07250O'Connell, Anna7/17/1911
06970O'Connell, Emma (Guardianship of Heirs)6/12/1911
06112O'Connell, William M.10/29/1928
11088O'Day, Catherine 
10956O'Day, Catherine V. Clarke 
01258Odle, John12/13/1876
07596Odle, John W.8/13/1920
11614Odle, John W. 
04595Odle, Rachael2/27/1907
04779Odle, Rachael4/4/1908
09126O'Donal, Charles W.3/2/1920
10441O'Donnell, Elizabeth 
08870Oelshlager, Christian4/21/1927
06189Offeldinger, Albert6/16/32
12716Offill, Jasper 
01519Offterdinger, August11/30/1878
03224Offterdinger, Hannah M.11/21/1895
02006Offterdinger, John N.10/9/1885
04123Offterdinger, John N. (Guardianship of Heirs)8/26/1886
11985Offterdinger, Maud 
07609O'Geese, Charles03/07/1919
03042Ogle, Charles A.1/19/1893
01561Ogle, David2/28/1879
03477Ogle, Eli2/19/1901
06760Ogle, Elijah12/27/1916
03980Ogle, Elisha3/12/1901
01854Ogle, Elisha8/11/1880
02438Ogle, Elisha (Guardianship)12/16/1880
04677Ogle, Emma (Guardianship of Heirs)11/1/1904
00784Ogle, James12/2/1862
01405Ogle, James (Guardianship of Heirs)4/15/1865
04276Ogle, James B.2/5/1904
05340Ogle, James B. (Guardianship of Heirs)11/23/1901
11144Ogle, Jane 
11157Ogle, Nancy 
09719Ogle, Pearl B.10/11/1928
05546Ogle, Zillah A.6/24/1913
10398O'Harra, Florence S. (Guardianship of Heir)3/10/1931
04394O'Harra, John E.11/28/1905
11135O'Harra, Lou C. 
13565-AO'Harra, Lou C. (1 of 3) (See Additons, Box 1, at end of probate, for folder 3)
13565-BO'Harra, Lou C. (2 of 3) 
09400O'Harra, William6/15/1927
13505Oland, Robert E. 
10917Oland, Thomas C. 
05301Olin, Allen H.12/10/1908
07505AOlin, Malissa1912
08616Olin, Melissa (Guardianship of Hiers)4/27/1925
03509Oliphant, Rebecca11/1/1899
03201Oliphat, Martha B.4/2/1896
13408Oliver, Dora Delphine 
13834Oliver, Elizabeth 
04059Oliver, George (Guardianship)2/19/1901
13095Oliver, Hazel 
02525Ollom, James4/6/1865
00656Ollom, James1888
02071Ollom, James1/5/1881
03395Ollom, James (Guardianship of Heirs)3/8/1889
02237Ollom, James (Guardianship of Heirs)5/20/1865
01058Ollom, Sarah12/22/1869
00812Ollum, Peter5/24/1873
08690Olmetzer, Josephine B. (Guardianship of Heirs)1922
14066Olsen, Edward 
12712Olvey, Edman E. 
13895Olvey, Minnie M. 
10417O'Meara, Dora G. 
07271O'Meara, Henry F.11/12/1912
01866O'Neal, Emma (Guardianship)12/24/1877
01028O'Neal, Joseph10/30/1871
01585O'Neal, Lemuel E.12/24/1877
00571O'Neal, William6/10/1864
05057O'Neil, Johanna (Guardianship of Heirs)1/29/1890
07021O'Neil, Josephine10/18/1918
10141O'Neil, Mary7/26/1934
07236O'Neil, Thomas 
05392O'Neill, Daniel G.6/2/1913
08267O'Neill, John2/18/1924
07752Orebaugh, David3/4/1921
11284Orebaugh, Samuel D. 
07719Orman, Mildred J. (Guardianship)5/28/1921
07793Orr, David F.8/17/1922
05817Orr, David P.5/10/1906
09018Orr, George T.26/12/1928
09730Orr, George T.5/21/1929
06546Orr, Harry4/9/1928
03264Orr, James3/15/1895
02823Orr, James H.10/17/1887
04579Orr, James H.3/30/1891
00507Orr, James H.1907
01831Orr, Jane E.9/3/1872
01830Orr, Joseph4/9/1881
02770Orr, Joseph J.12/9/1886
03251Orr, Joseph J. (Guardianship of Heir)5/5/1886
07936Orr, Joseph N. (Partnership)1912
02822Orr, Julia E. (Guardianship)1/29/1867
04455Orr, Martha Jane4/16/1907
05125Orr, Martha Jane (Guardianship of Heir)12/13/1906
12329Orr, Martha Jane (Guardianship of Heir) 
02771Orr, Mary9/4/1885
13118Orr, Mary L. 
12825Orr, Robert W.; Mary Branham (2 folders) (See Additions Box 2 at the end probate)
01653Orr, Samuel12/7/1876
03265Orr, William1/26/1890
00523Orr, William5/21/1867
02416Orr, William (Guardianship)10/2/1885
07113Orr, William W.7/31/1919
11248Orrick, Oscar 
11249Orrick, Willie B. 
06462Osborn, Alma Lena11/12/31
07095Osborn, Frank E.3/27/1919
00321Osborn, Lewis W.2/13/1850
02481Osborn, Ruth B.2/17/1887
03664Osborn, Sophia9/1/1897
09439Osborne, Attie3/8/1926
01722Osborne, Benjamin F. (Guardianship)4/5/1881
01122Osborne, David (Guardianship of Heirs)5/22/1869
10249Osborne, George R.5/10/1934
09846Osborne, James W.9/4/1930
07057Osborne, James W. (Guardianship)9/24/1918
09850Osborne, James W.(Guardianship)7/1929
13111Osborne, John W. 
11660Osborne, Sanford T. 
13510Osenbaugh, Lula M. 
08233Osenbaugh, Mary E.12/4/1923
09459Osman, Mary E.7/1/1929
04053Overholt, Sarah E.10/5/1897
05310Overholt, Sarah E.11/12/1901
08130Overman, Joseph W.10/13/1923
08441Oves, Linda M.1925
05700Ovinger, Margaret6/3/1911
09004Owen, Alexander20/3/1913
08429Owen, Dora May (Guardianship)8/26/1925
12664-AOwen, Mary M. 
13435Owens, James (Guardianship) 
09163Owens, James W.16/7/1921
07785Owens, Mary H. (Guardianship of Heir)6/11/1920
07827Owens, Owen W.2/15/1921
05893Owens, Owen W. (Gurdianship of Heir)1/11/1923
10475Owens, Rebecca1935
09075Owens, Reuben B.1/5/1925
00759Owings, Richard4/24/1855
12786Oxley, Allen 
07715Oxley, Edith (Guardiandship of Heir )8/21/1917
00929Oxley, Eli (Guardianship of Heirs)5/5/1866
12958Oxley, Eliza J. 
10353Oxley, Jerry6/7/1935
02175Oxley, Kesiah (Guardianship)1875
02948Oxley, Keziah L. (Guardianship of Heir)2/16/1876
07206Oxley, Lawrence1/30/1918
08678Oxley, Lawrence (Guardianship of Heirs)8/17/1922
10964Oxley, Peter 
04297Oxley, Philip D.2/20/1905
10124Oxley, Sarah J.2/27/1934
05349Oxley, Sarah L. (Guardianship of Heir)10/1/1904