M - Probate Index

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If you're looking for a specific last name, click the blue tab of the first letter of the person's last name over on the left side, then use SHIFT + F (Windows) or COMMAND + F (Mac). Enter in the person's last name to go straight to every listing of their last name.

00292MacAltree, James [McEltree, Nicholas] (Guardianship1853
09948MacDonald, William W.10/2/1930
13890MacDowell, Edna A. 
13899MacFatridge, James M. 
08761MacGregor, Samuel E. (Guardianship of Heir)8/29/1921
14234Mackletree, Nicholas 
09834Maclean, Malcolm L.3/24/1923
02004Maddox, John W.10/23/1886
04214Maddox, Laura7/20/1904
11963Maddox, Lillie B. 
07030Maddox, Malinda9/7/1916
08311Maddox, Mary C.4/5/1923
08157Maddox, Rebecca J.5/2/1924
13858Maddux, Addison 
07969Maddux, Mary E.11/03/1920
01763Maddy, Goldsburg S.5/2/1881
00470Maddy, James2/16/1861
02104Maddy, James12/6/1860
11059Maddy, Mary Virginia 
12922Mader, William 
06481Madill, Ida A.4/4/33
07502Madill, John5/1919
09356Madlung, Mary11/1925
07977Madlung, Mary05/07/1921
09964Madscar, Jacob (Guardianship)9/18/1933
11093Maggs, George H. 
10226Maggs, William F.7/14/1931
05541Magrane, Charles J. (Guardianship of Heirs)6/30/1914
07583Magrane, Chas J. (Guardianship of Heirs)10/4/1921
07870Mahan, Arthur T.4/6/1922
04917Maher, John P.10/15/1910
10357Maher, Mariah I.5/23/1935
09033Mahoney, Catherine J.?/1/1929
03479Mahoney, Derrick10/4/1901
10305Mahoney, Derrick (Guardianship of Heirs)4/6/1928
13291Mahoney, Ida May 
03688Mahoney, Job3/3/1899
04354Mahoney, Job7/10/1906
01362Mahoney, John10/9/1876
02684Mahoney, John W.3/27/1889
00739Mahoney, Joseph, et al (Heirs of Job Smith)2/2/1863
05192Mahoney, Mary1/21/1909
03611Mahoney, Mary E. (Guardianship of Heirs)10/23/1879
09029Mahoney, Mary J. (Guardianship of Heirs)?/1/1929
13245Maick, August M. 
10677Maier, Louisa 
06682Mails, Samuel7/12/1915
05190Main, Thomas B.1/25/1908
01626Main, William J.1/10/1881
05762Maine, Jacob11/12/1914
00095Maiten, Isaac5/1845
02851Maitlen, Adeline3/18/1889
00180Maitlen, Isaac11/27/1838
02761Maitlen, Isaac A.6/4/1888
00587Maitlen, James L.12/14/1867
00942Maitlen, James L. (Guardianship of Heirs)1/12/1869
01586Maitlen, Joshua F.9/13/1877
02595Maitlen, Joshua F. (Guardiahsip of Heirs)12/7/1877
09603Maitlen, Mary E.5/9/1929
02519Maitlen, Richard2/11/1887
08869Maitlen, Richard A. (Guardianship of Heirs)7/5/1921
10883Maitlen, Wildie L. 
08144Maitlin, Richard A.6/23/1921
05976Majors, Charles8/14/30
00494Makepeace, Hayden11/15/1843
00390Makepeace, Ransom5/18/1857
02286Makepeace, Willard (Guardianship)11/11/1844
00188Makepeice, Amasa1/1850
00149Makepiece, Ransom10/29/1845
00257Malcom, Robert12/5/1845
12078Maley, James A. 
11476Maley, James H. 
09541Mallet, Mary1930
12010Malony, Anna Eliza 
06278Manderson, Mable Irene (Guardianship of Heir)12/21/1928
03822Manifold, Daniel4/27/1900
12709Manley, George B. 
09091Manley, George W.17/10/1923
14235Mann & Lesh (Partnership) 
08058Mann, Albert A.1924
09813Mann, Carson M.3/20/1929
10593Mann, Clement Elza 
13920Mann, Delbert R. 
08745Mann, Eli B.11/1924
05273Mann, Isaac7/31/1911
01340Mann, John11/20/1876
13568Mann, Mary Abegail 
12356Mann, Mary H. 
06671Mann, Mary L.7/12/1916


00260Mann, Warner9/21/1849
10449Mann, William W. 
10429Mann, William W. (Partnership) 
08329Mann, Winifred A.6/19/1923
01582Manning, Malinda10/22/1879
02664Manning, Malinda (Guardianship of Heirs)1/22/1880
08502Manning, Robert E. (Guardianship of Heir)1920
13937Manor, Anna M. 
13299Manor, Annie M. 
05029Manor, Caleb H.12/24/1910
08260Manor, David J.2/9/1923
04691Manor, George F.11/15/1907
07727Manor, George F. (Guardianship of Heir)0/00/1917
07725Manor, George F. (Guardianship of Heirs)4/13/1911
04911Manor, George, H. (Guardianship of Heirs)5/14/1909
02474Manor, John4/8/1888
03388Manor, John6/14/1881
03643Manor, John (Guardianship of Heir)6/2/1899
09170Manor, John S.1922
04034Manor, Katharine A.11/11/1901
10290Manor, Lulu (Guardianship of Heir)7/30/1931
10290Manor, LuLu (Guardianship)4/7/1930
10290Manor, Lulu(Guardianship)4/7/1930
12688Manor, Mary 
10371Manor, Mary Helen3/11/1919
03652Manor, Samuel (Guardianship)5/3/1892
09802Manor, Sarah L.3/22/1929
09430Manring, Julia J.4/2/1928
06335Mansfield, Bessie K.2/1/32
07002Mansfield, Bessie K. (Guardianship)4/5/1913
10394Mansfield, Cecil (Guardianship)8/6/1932
01474Mansfield, Charles3/1/1879
03326Mansfield, Charles (Guardianship of Heirs)5/29/1882
01390Mansfield, Charles (Guardianship)1/19/1878
09975Mansfield, Charles W.2/23/1931
10326Mansfield, Cordelia E.5/9/1924
05603Mansfield, Diannah8/7/1913
01075Mansfield, Ellen (Guardianship)12/9/1871
08363Mansfield, George R.2/23/1924
08671Mansfield, Ira V.1927
08954Mansfield, Ira V. (Guardianship of Heirs)11/5/1926
11422Mansfield, J. Clyde (Guardianship) 
01036Mansfield, John R.7/9/1870
02399Mansfield, John R. (Guardianship)8/1871
06311Mansfield, John W.1/27/32
11569Mansfield, Joseph Clyde 
08571Mansfield, Lafayette11/27/1926
04237Mansfield, Margaret5/12/1897
03772AMansfield, Mary3/10/1897
03772BMansfield, Mary3/10/1897
03773Mansfield, Mary3/10/1897
05947Mansfield, Mary Jane9/27/1928
02859Mansfield, Perry W.7/24/1890
13569Mansfield, Perry W. 
05423Mansfield, Perry W. (Guardianship of Heirs)9/12/1891
14236Mansfield, Phoebe A. 
11320Mansfield, Robert Loyd (Guardianship of Heir) 
02694Mansfield, Robert S.5/11/1889
03576Mansfield, Sarah3/8/1895
00958Mansfield, William (Guardianship of Heirs)11/9/1860
00924Mansfield, William H.8/10/1869
01994Mansfield, William H. (Guardianship of Heirs)6/26/1872
08097Mansfiled, R. Lloyd2/18/1922
03653Mansur, Samuel (Guardianship of Heir)5/28/1897
12095Mansur, Theodore Edwin 
11368-1March, Harold P. 
11368-2March, Harold P. 
05583March, Margaret J.8/2/1913
03226March, Walter4/9/1883
07673Marine, Moorman W.12/29/1921
06141Maring, Joel M.2/21/1922
09508Maring, Elizabeth A.3/7/1928
06608Maring, George W.12/22/1915
06455-AMaring, Grace K.1/1/1927
06455-BMaring, Grace K.1/1/1927
06455-CMaring, Grace K.1/1/1927
10062Maring, Grace K.1/13/1927
13775Maring, Grace K. (Guardianship of Heir) 
11747Maring, Grace K. (Guardianship of Heirs) 
06140Maring, Joel M.4/1/32
09650-1Maring, Joel M.1928
09650-2Maring, Joel M. 
11147Marker, Edna B. 
07591Markle, Thomas B.1921
06488Markley, John G.4/24/33
11417-1Markley, Kate L. 
11417-2Markley, Kate L. 
04882Markley, Sarah E.7/20/1909
12071Marks, Charles W. 
03626Marks, Elias9/3/1896
03647Marks, Elizabeth J.1/13/1899
03397Marks, John7/18/1881
13143Marks, Martha E. 
10982Marks, Orren J. 
09984Marks, Pearl B.4/29/1931
12283Marks, William Earl 
08355Markwell, Elizabeth J.1925
08027Markwell, Elizabeth J.06/18/1921
05345Markwell, Joseph6/21/1911
09855Markwell, Joseph (Guardianship)5/7/1923
08654Markwell, Louisa3/3/1925
10328Marlow, Henry C.5/11/1927
04915Marlow, Nora B.3/20/1907
07094Marquell, Alice J.1/1/1920
06835Marquell, James8/4/1915
03829Marquell, Samuel6/13/1900
09632Marrow, Elizabeth A.5/1/1930
09942Marrs, Sarah J.9/2/1930
02369Marsh, Angeline5/2/1843
13891Marsh, Florence Cowing 
06346Marsh, Henry C. (gaurdianship)2/11/33
06531Marsh, Henry Clay3/9/33
03380Marsh, John3/23/1887
04027Marsh, John7/20/1897
13715Marsh, John W. 
13716Marsh, John W. 
11990Marsh, Linneaus L. 
12286Marsh, Martha W. 
08484Marsh, Mary A.5/22/1925
10434Marsh, Walter M. 
11815Marshall, Amelia M. 
08639Marshall, Carl5/18/1927
08989Marshall, Edward C.13/6/1927
03942Marshall, Elizabeth3/26/1900
06483Marshall, Gordaon3/22/33
12558Marshall, Gordon 
05076Marshall, Horace C. (Guardianship of Heirs)9/18/1900
00464Marshall, Isaac1/12/1856
00357Marshall, James12/1/1855
01059Marshall, John11/10/1869
01103Marshall, John2/14/1873
02259Marshall, John3/7/1857
12128Marshall, John W. 
05625Marshall, Lona (Guardianship of Heir)2/8/1913
05515Marshall, Margaret A.10/12/1912
02686Marshall, Miles3/24/1887
13934Marshall, Parker 
05622Marshall, Thomas3/4/1914
03093Martin, Aaron C.2/11/1892
04357Martin, Aaron C.5/4/1895
13353Martin, Addie F. 
11233Martin, Albert D. 
12309Martin, Albert D. 
11831Martin, Amanda E. 
09153Martin, Amos W.1/4/1922
10607Martin, Anna Frances 
11122Martin, Anna May 
07878Martin, Catherine11/5/1921
14237Martin, David 
00539Martin, Elizabeth1858
01772Martin, Elizabeth M.9/20/1879
03019Martin, Elizabeth M. (Guardianship of Heir)12/25/1880
08385Martin, Emily3/10/1923
06819Martin, Emily F.1/13/1915
01578Martin, Emily J.8/21/1869
07229Martin, Francis M.2/3/1919
05940Martin, Francis M. (Guardianship of Heirs)10/21/1920
05087Martin, Gano (Guardianship of Heir)10/3/1864
01688Martin, George8/6/1881
06315Martin, Ila2/22/32
00144Martin, Isaac5/21/1844
00432Martin, Israel9/25/1851
02469Martin, J. Wilson7/25/1885
05436Martin, Jane11/14/1912
05904Martin, Jefferson R. (guardianship) 
07945Martin, John C. (Guardianship of Heirs)1915
03515Martin, John E.1/2/1901
02955Martin, John Edward (Guardianship)12/9/1889
06147Martin, John S.2/5/32
09949Martin, John S.10/22/1930
01848Martin, Johnathan L.5/27/1882
01645Martin, Joseph (Guardianship of Heirs)2/26/1870
11645Martin, Lizzia (Guardianship) 
11689Martin, Lizzie M. 
11113Martin, Luther S. 
10835Martin, Mary 
01198Martin, Mary E.10/26/1874
02017Martin, Mary E. (Guardianship of Heirs)12/22/1875
03487Martin, Nancy E.5/6/1903
10989Martin, Otto W. 
05224Martin, Phebe8/23/1911
02198Martin, Russel3/26/1874
06475Martin, Samuel I.7/29/30
11608Martin, Sarah F. 
12980Martin, Sarah F. 
08846Martin, Stella2/7/1928
04874Martin, Stephen A.9/27/1877
01736Martin, Stephen R. (Guardianship of Heirs)n. d.
01625Martin, Vincent2/21/1880
02936Martin, Vincent (Guardianship of Heirs)2/1/1891
13926Martin, Vivian Ruth 
03286Martin, Wilbert L. (Guardianship)6/16/1891
12749Martin, William S. 
01877Martin, Willis D.8/14/1880
09864Martz, Walter (Guardianship of Heir)3/18/1925
06411Martz, Walter C.10/15/1924
06446Mascarri, Meda12/7/32
13771Masing, George W. 
14074Masing, Lena M. 
09195Mason, Edward Gilman?/5/1923
08101Mason, Harriett E.4/20/1923
04332Mason, Laura A.8/29/1904
07084Mason, Nancyn. d.
01500Massey, Clark R.12/18/1865
02056Massey, Clark R. (Guardianship of Heirs)12/18/1866
05588Masters, Ellen J.6/15/1913
01847Masters, James C.2/1/1882
05420Masters, Lewis C.10/9/1911
02672Masterson, Henry (Guardianship of Heirs)7/31/1879
12624Masterson, Henry Lee 
13509Masterson, Joseph 
14073Maston, William Arthur 
10772Matheson, Margaret A. 
06040Mathew, Nathaniel Perry11/21/1929
06622Mathews, Carl Webster1/27/1916
04494Mathews, Lillie3/1/1893
00953Matre, Elizabeth Van (Guardianship)2/3/1864
13692Matthew, Albert G. 
06825Matthews, Carl Webster1/19/1915
03401Matthews, Jennie A.7/27/1896
14008Matthews, Mary J. 
13772Matthews, Max E. 
05204Matthews, Thomas J.9/25/1875
05205Matthews, Thomas J.9/25/1875
11509Mattox, Nora 
06370Mauck, Bertha Barnes10/3/32
09468Mauer, Martin F.6/1/1928
12203Mauller, Delbert James (Petition) 
07920Max, John (Guardianship of Heir)1913
04658Max, John W.4/17/1907
07921Max, John W. (Guardianship of Heir)8/7/1909
04197Max, Vinna (Guardianship of Heir)12/6/1899
08158Maxwell, Henry Milton5/10/1924
05028Maxwell, Robert A.9/19/1911
13773May, Bessie 
01642May, Caleb (Heirs)8/21/1873
01082May, Caleb Holland11/5/1872
00794May, George2/19/1868
03889May, Jeremiah1/15/1897
13419May, Louisa 
04996May, Mary Ann2/1/1911
13919May, Orpha 
12463May, Ruth D. Etchison 
13842May, Vane V. 
06078May, William R.10/15/30
05568Mayes, James W. (Guardianship of Heirs)8/3/1908
02397Maynard, Benjamin9/18/1883
05267Maynard, Ida M.2/24/1913
06506Maynard, Leora M.11/9/33
06213Maynard, Washington4/14/30
09613Maynard, Washington4/15/1922
13306Mayo, Bessie 
04570Maywood, Walter S.6/24/1905
13369-AMaze, John E. (Guardianship) 
13369-BMaze, John E. (Guardianship) 
09343McAlister, Joseph C.7/20/1926
02759McAlister, William (Guardianship of Heirs)10/15/1881
01849McAllister, Andrew J.5/20/1882
13830McAllister, Emma F. 
13909McAllister, Emma Florence 
01485McAllister, Ezikiel (Guardianship of Heirs)3/8/1875
08422McAllister, Florence (Guardianship of Heirs)9/25/1917
053551/2McAllister, Frank J.5/21/1924
01624McAllister, George W.3/19/1881
01707McAllister, George W.3/6/1880
01628McAllister, Hannah3/1/1879
00972McAllister, John1/27/1869
02647McAllister, John (Guardianship of Heirs)8/9/1884
12290McAllister, Joseph 
06997McAllister, Mary (Guardianship of Heir)3/8/1919
02413McAllister, William7/30/1881
01495McAllister, William7/16/1874
01812McAllister, William1/9/1879
02238McAllister, William (Guardianship of Heirs)3/14/1879
10744McArthur, Hattie D. 
07086McAtee, Philson C.6/6/1918
13405McAulay, Pheba May 
13392McBee, Calvin M. 
13605McBee, Miller H. 
12961McCabe, Raymond J. 
04764McCaffery, Marie (Guardianship)9/30/1903
05720McCalister, Elizabeth12/4/1915
03674McCall, James5/5/1897
00411McCall, Samuel2/11/1851
00543McCall, Samuel1858
10863McCall, Sarah 
11969McCall, Sarah 
00204McCallistee, John1/1/1840
00253McCallister, Alexander5/30/1848
11930McCallister, Chris C. 
04264McCallister, Elizabeth1/20/1903
13399McCallister, Ernest K. 
00234McCallister, John1852
02279McCallister, John2/11/1850
05567McCamey, Walter R.10/20/1911
12294McCamy, James A. 
12014McCardle, Mary F. 
06241McCarter, Alex1/25/32
05194McCarthy, John S.7/27/1910
08888McCarthy, Julia A.04/9/1927
04548McCarthy, Mary E.6/27/1904
12296McCarthy, Rose M. 
04209McCartney, Andrew B. (Guardianship of Heirs)4/14/1898
02825McCarty, Daniel S.4/3/1890
08552McCarty, James W.1926
12856McCarty, Margaret 
03405McCashland, Oma5/27/1899
08801McCay, Lee31/1/1927
02699McChristie, Martha E.2/1/1890
02592McClain, Archibald (Guardianship of Heirs)1/15/1884
01996McClain, Archibold2/22/1883
09364McClain, Catharine2/29/1928
05188McClain, Cecilia9/23/1892
07630McClain, Charles01/29/1921
06661McClain, George W.(Guardianship)9/1/1919
09275McClain, Mary A.3/11/1929
14227McClanahan, Andrew K. 
11922McClellan, Charles A. 
04655McClellan, Edward (Guradianship)2/7/1905
13122McClellan, Emily E. 
12879McClellan, Emily E. (Guardianship) 
01289McClellan, Frederick8/11/1875
03155McClellan, Frederick (Guardianship of Heirs)10/17/1881
12041McClellan, Ida M. 
04054McClellan, James1/24/1899
03622AMcClellan, James (Guardianship)5/18/1885
03622BMcClellan, James (Guardianship)5/18/1885
03622CMcClellan, James (Guardianship)5/18/1885
03622DMcClellan, James (Guardianship)5/18/1885
03622EMcClellan, James (Guardianship)5/18/1885
02921McClellan, John F.7/31/1890
02660McClellan, John F. (Guardianship)3/29/1884
04268McClellan, Lydia A.3/1/1901
03158McClellan, Lydia A. (Guardianship of Heir)5/24/1901
05763McClellan, Lydia A. (Guardianship of Heir)1/1/1903
13269McClellan, Santford S. 
03157McClellan, William A.11/3/1891
05739McClellan, William A.11/3/1891
05582McClellan, William A. (Guardianship of Heir)1914
09803McClellan, Winston (Guardianship of Heirs)2/20/1929
09036McClellan, Winton?/?/1928
06476McClelland, Elsie3/3/31
12518-BMcClelland, James A. 
05955McClelland, Victor (Guardianship)6/5/31
10685McClimans, Mary F. 
01756McClintock, John (Guardianship)6/12/1879
03403McClung, Charles T.5/17/1897
06612McClung, Clarissa M.1/4/1920
03504McClung, James H.2/8/1899
07908McClung, Minnie (Guardianship of Heir)1923
07950-1McClung, Minnie I. (Guardianship of Heir)1917
07653McClung, Minnie J. (Guardianship of Heir)2/24/1911
09616McClung, William H.3/14/1929
01298McCollister, Ezekiel4/22/1874
00462McColly, John4/26/1856
13258McColm, Emerson 
13134McColm, Nettie Jane 
06256McComas, Virginia10/10/32
06758McConnel, Martha A.6/15/1918
07830McConnell, Abraham5/14/1921
07764McConnell, Albert7/25/1921
11506McConnell, Arthur G. 
08835McConnell, Elizabeth Ann9/27/1927
04417McConnell, John12/12/1903
07791McConnell, John (Guardianship of Heir)9/27/1918
13977McConnell, John B. 
14228McConnell, Joseph F. 
10552McConnell, Maria L. 
01351McConnell, Moses (Guardianship)10/13/1878
10706McConnell, Nancy J. 
06027McConnell, Sarah Elizabeth10/31/31
01402McConnell, William2/11/1878
08177McCord, Ellen7/11/1923
08366McCord, Ellen (Guardianship of Heirs)7/10/1923
11785McCormick, Adam 
06857McCormick, Charles H.8/20/1915
00011McCormick, James10/23/1838
08104McCormick, James1924
02048McCormick, James (Guardianship)2/7/1866
13985McCormick, John 
04904McCormick, Mary H.7/11/1910
02412McCormick, Mary J. (Guardianship)4/27/1865
07530McCormick, Matthew3/25/1920
13852McCormick, Ora N. 
06101McCormick, Susan3/2/31
01570McCormick, Thomas (Guardianship of Heirs)7/20/1872
08662McCormick, Tom (Guardianship of Heirs)1/4/1926
11512McCormick, Walter P. 
01058McCormick, William1/1/1872
00715McCormick, William9/2/1861
05715McCormick, William1/4/1859
03937McCormick, William N.2/16/1901
08715McCormik, Tom4/1/1926
01494McCowen, Charles10/2/1872
14229McCoy, Albert (Guardianship) 
12425McCoy, Arthur W. 
01930McCoy, Catherine9/28/1883
10746McCoy, Charles 
02779McCoy, Elijah V.9/28/1890
13329McCoy, George K. 
01681McCoy, John10/22/1879
01771McCoy, Martha9/13/1881
02943McCoy, Sarah10/29/1891
02089McCoy, William1/8/1864
06321McCracken, James Ovid5/20/32
07209McCray, Edward12/21/1915
07260McCrea, Rebecca B.12/21/1915
09552McCreary, William, Sr. (Guardianship)9/25/1929
10522McCreery, Dorsey O. 
00434McCreery, James2/11/1856
11355McCreery, James T. 
08026-1McCreery, James W. (Guardianship)1929
08026-2McCreery, James W. (Guardianship)no date
08026-3McCreery, James W. (Guardianship)no date
10888McCreery, John J. 
09664McCreery, John W., Sr.12/31/1928
09204McCreery, LuLu (Guardianship)4/1929
03686McCreery, Margaut E.12/28/1898
03276McCreery, Mary (Guardianship of Heirs)12/12/1881
02319McCreery, Samuel (Guardianship)5/22/1851
07550McCreery, Samuel J.7/29/1920
07582McCreery, Samuel J. (Guardianship of Heir)6/11/1921
05709McCreery, Thomas3/23/1906
04950McCreery, Thomas (trusteeship for Heirs)3/16/1907
09821McCreery, William, Sr.1/25/1930
02558McCriller, Amy A.11/8/1887
04731McCrillus, Charles C.9/20/1909
04433McCrillus, Frank S.3/23/1905
06884McCrillus, Kate (Guardianship of Heir)9/30/1918
05475McCrillus, Kate M.5/25/1908
05461McCrillus, Kate M. (Guardianship of Heirs)6/29/1908
10758McCullick, Elizabeth 
04250McCulloch, Cora P.10/29/1904
05444McCulloch, Cora P.9/3/1912
05463McCulloch, Cora P. (Guardianship of Heir)10/29/1904
06781McCulloch, George F.5/6/1915
12291McCulloch, George F. 
11467McCullogh, Harry L. 
09780McCullogh, Lucinda7/31/1929
01813McCullough, James11/13/1870
01821McCullough, James11/23/1870
11104McCullough, Madge B. 
00138McCullough, Thomas11/11/1846
05673McCullough, Thomas B.4/28/1914
00270McCully, William9/28/1854
02301McCully, William2/1857
14285McCune, Samuel7/1854
07207McCurdy, James K.7/16/1914
09677McDaniel, George R.6/1/1929
05764McDaniel, Matthew T.1/1/1914
11884McDaniel, Myrtle 
06423McDaniel, Westie Frances11/1/32
01856McDaniel, William A.5/12/1881
06200McDaniels, Westie F. (Guardianship)8/1/1929
07179McDirmit, Mary J.10/21/1909
02387McDonald, George W. (Guardianship)9/1874
13015McDonald, Ida B. 
02170McDonald, James10/13/1887
00746McDonald, Joseph (Guardianship)8/4/1856
11663McDougle, Ezra 
13625McDuffee, Elizabeth Jean (Guardianship) 
09819McElfresh, Bertha P.11/26/1928
04440McElfresh, Clara V.5/29/1906
07980McElfresh, Harrison T.07/01/1921
07909McElfresh, James A.2/15/1922
08724McElfresh, Mary A.12/16/1925
11425McElfresh, Nathan 
09097McFadden, Ellen29/4/1924
10672McFadden, Hannah 
05630McFadden, Margaret1/17/1914
05783McFadyen, Craig3/30/1916
03061McFee, Lafayette L.4/10/1893
03644McGalliard, Andrew J.2/12/1898
01276McGalliard, George W.3/30/1876
09348McGalliard, George W.3/11/1927
05897McGalliard, J. S. (Guardianship of Heirs)1/5/1918
06570McGalliard, John S.9/9/1914
06738McGalliard, John S.1/12/1918
06906McGalliard, Mary L.1/10/1918
11084-1McGauley, Elizabeth M. 
11084-2McGauley, Elizabeth M. 
08289McGauley, Richard12/4/1923
05702McGibbeny, Hayslet4/18/1914
07748McGinnis, Savilla A.3/31/1921
13087McGovern, Sarah E. 
10133McGown, Phebe5/29/1934
08603McGrath, Frank C.1927
02969McGraw, Andrew J.2/27/1892
13982McGraw, Lucy 
08945McGraw, Mary1922
07225McGraw, Mary (Guardianship)9/24/1918
13897McGraw, Samuel W. 
08998McGriff, Harriett L.30/12/1925
03244McGriff, James A.8/8/1893
04131McGriff, James A. (Guardianship of Heirs)2/2/1899
12352McGuff, Sarah E. 
04227McGuire, Charles A. (Guardianship of Heirs)8/4/1899
12515-AMcGunegill, Clark 
14230McHargue, Hallett, S. (Guardianship) 
06533McHarque, Thomas11/17/1921
10186McIlvaine, William A.6/22/1935
01137McIntire, John4/28/1875
14231McInturf, Ora Lee 
06662McInturf, Rosalie6/21/1916
09588McInturf, Rosalie (Guardianship)6/11/1923
00817McInturf, Samuel5/14/1860
01729McInturf, Washington10/11/1876
13624McKean, James S. 
12034McKee, Port 
09114McKeefer, Edward R.5/1/1925
02074McKenzie, John P.12/29/1852
11906McKibben, Charles E. 
05071McKimmey, James6/17/1876
02391McKimmey, Jesse7/17/1883
03125McKimmey, Jesse (Guardianship of Heirs)7/23/1883
06985McKimmey, Jesse W.1/1/1917
10725McKimmey, Rebecca B. 
05425McKimmey, Sanford L.8/23/1906
11786McKinely, Emma 
03320McKinley, Alexander (Guardianship of Heirs)9/7/1868
08738McKinley, Edward A.5/24/1926
09727McKinley, Edward A. (Guardianship of Heir)6/13/1927
12829McKinley, Elijah (Guardianship of Heir) 
14075McKinley, Elizabeth 
11564McKinley, Florence P. 
11534McKinley, Florence V. (Guardianship) 
10659McKinley, Frank E. 
07454McKinley, George 
08996McKinley, George (Guardianship of Heirs)26/7/1920
12981McKinley, George C. 
12698McKinley, George C. (Guardianship) 
13363McKinley, James Alfred (Guardianship) 
09981McKinley, Jasper4/18/1931
10813McKinley, John 
00986Mckinley, John S.11/6/1867
08806McKinley, Joseph Clark11/27/1920
12155McKinley, Joseph Clark (Guardianship) 
06299McKinley, Laura S.11/6/31
12737McKinley, Lauretta 
07677McKinley, Lura1/8/1921
02420McKinley, Malinda5/10/1886
03564McKinley, Martha L. (Guardianship)7/5/1895
12801McKinley, Mary D. 
10368McKinley, Nancy Jane7/17/1935
12245McKinley, Salome H. 
00186McKinley, Samuel8/1851
02320McKinley, Samuel (Guardianship)5/14/1851
13089McKinley, Samuel K. 
00792McKinley, William9/12/1865
10697McKinley, William F. 
06237McKinney, Annette9/8/31
10742McKinney, Arthur L. 
12995McKinney, Bertha 
10836McKinney, Julia (See Additions, Box 1, at end of probate, for 2nd folder) 
05821McKinney, Julia K.n. d.
05496McKinney, Turner C.1/10/1913
12259McKinty, John 
02032Mckinzie, John P.11/4/1853
11738McKissick, William M. 
00337McLain, Archibald6/4/1857
14232McLain, Bertha I. (Guardianship) 
08151McLain, David A.5/2/1923
03112McLain, George W.8/28/1893
03732McLain, George W. (Guardianship of Heir)11/25/1893
05239McLain, George W. (Guardianship of Heir)11/12/1900
01098McLain, Isaac4/17/1873
01511McLain, Isaac (Heirs)5/1/1873
06064McLain, Matilda1/30/31
00856McLain, Thomas J.8/23/1869
00757McLain, William2/25/1861
00695McLain, William M.1/2/1861
01755McLaughin, John W. (Guardianship of Heirs)6/11/1872
09327McLaughlin, Amanda J.1/29/1926
14233McLaughlin, Columbus (Guardianship) 
13986McLaughlin, Edith 
00123McLaughlin, James2/13/1844
04810McLaughlin, James12/15/1908
00795McLaughlin, James6/5/1845
03460McLaughlin, John12/3/1891
07070McLaughlin, Martha1/15/1920
11126McLaughlin, Melrose Wamer 
03109McLaughlin, Millender R. (Guardianship of Heirs)2/20/1877
07112McLaughlin, Minnie M.7/25/1919
11287McLaughlin, Myrlea F. 
04248McLaughlin, Orintha J.7/18/1904
04675McLaughlin, Orlando5/28/1908
01579McLaughlin, Soloman (Heirs)9/14/1864
09481McLellan, Nancy A.1923
08236McLellan, Nancy A.3/11/1924
02567McLintock, Elizabeth (Guardianship of Heirs)2/7/1868
11444McMahan, Alma Pearl 
10492McMahan, Enoch W.1/9/1926
04597McMahan, Harriet E. (guardianship of heirs)10/23/1900
03860McMahan, Harriett E. (Guardianship of Heirs)1/24/1890
03387McMahan, John R.8/5/1889
07102McMahan, Minerva A.4/30/1921
13646McMahan, Oscar P. 
11780McMahan, Samantha 
04225McMahan, Winfield W.12/29/1903
01627McManus, John5/15/1855
14072McMillan Adelaide P. 
06132McMillian, Samuel B.5/14/1928
08824McMillin, Samuel B.11/5/1929
11236McMillion, Elizabeth R. 
08136McMillion, Marion D.1/26/1924
00353McMullen A.J. [Andrew J.]11/21/1854
02652McMullen, John (Guardianship of Heirs)10/12/1884
01693McNair, James W.8/31/1880
03834McNairy, Francis3/9/1894
09156McNairy, Margaret J.1922
07662McNairy, Samuel09/16/1920
10459McNary, John H. 
08221McNaughton, Anna C.10/3/1923
04884McNaughton, William A.5/28/1909
09261McNeal, Mary W.12/5/1928
10388McNeal, Mary W. (Guardianship of Heir)3/3/1935
07866McNeeley, Flora3/11/1922
03254McNees, Alfred N. (Guardianship of Heir)3/26/1897
10287McNelley, Benjamin E.(Guardianship of Heir)5/5/1920
12880McNelly, Cyrus 
07415McNelly, James G.12/6/1918
01044McNelly, William9/15/1870
08852McPhee, John1/12/1927
13112McPherson, Effie M.4/1943
12893McPherson, John 
08257McPike, Carrie10/20/1923
08301McPike, Carrie (Guardianship of Heirs)10/25/1923
05266McProud, Lewis W.3/6/1913
06658McProud, Virginia M.5/3/1915
14034McRae, Mary (Guardianship of Heir) 
04938McRae, Robert D.O.10/25/1909
10661McRae, Sabina 
00525McSherry, Polly1863
10960McShirley, Enos 
06791McWhinney, Elizabeth A. (Guardianship of Heir)n. d.
07458McWhinney, Elizabeth A. (Guardianship of Heir)5/11/1918
08666McWilliams, Ashbury3/17/1927


08072McWilliams, Enosno date
08060McWilliams, Jane1923
03414Mead, Daniel E.1/23/1893
05999Mead, Eunice C.7/25/1928
03785Means, Eliza J.11/16/1899
04160Means, Eliza J. (Guardianship of Heir)12/4/1899
11351Means, Shirley 
03651Means, Wesley3/23/1899
12832Meckel, Alice I. 
09335Meckel, Jacob N.5/26/1926
08760Meckel, Jacob N.5/26/1926
08493Medearis, Fred (Guardanship of Heirs)11/3/1919
12165Medearis, Fred A. (Guardianship of Heir) 
12166Medearis, Fred A. (Guardianship of Heir) 
12167Medearis, Fred A. (Guardianship of Heir) 
12024Medsker, Chauncey L. 
13494Medsker, Leora A. 
14238Medsker, Melvin E. 
00944Meeeker, Rueben (Guardianship of Heirs)9/4/1869
08481Meehan, Dora E.8/24/1921
11615Meehan, John J. 
12228Meehan, John J. 
12647Meehan, Margaret A. 
12381Meehan, Margaret A. (Guardainship) 
04296Meeker, Henry9/22/1905
02781Meeker, John7/16/1888
06798Meeker, John Frank (Guardianship of Heirs)6/3/1914
06409Meeker, Martin L. (Guardianship of Heirs)1/15/1929
06042Meeker, Menzo J.5/9/1923
05173Meeker, Nahtaniel (Guardianship of Heir)3/19/1906
13343Meeker, William A. 
12340Meeker, Willis B. 
06180Meeks, Allie M. Dudley5/21/32
13132Meeks, Alonzo L. 
02212Meeks, Amos4/16/1877
11885Meeks, Elizabeth D. 
13410Meeks, Flora M. 
13135-1Meeks, Flora M. (Guardianship) 
13135-2Meeks, Flora M. (Guardianship) 
02918Meeks, Isaac1/26/1891
06053Meeks, J. Arthur5/8/30
06054Meeks, J. Arthur5/8/30
10065-1Meeks, J. Arthur5/4/1928
10065-2Meeks, J. Arthur6/8/1920
10065-3Meeks, J. Arthur5/4/1928
05597Meeks, James W.12/23/1913
03619Meeks, John W.6/21/1898
04020Meeks, John W. (Guardianship of Heir)7/5/1900
11053Meeks, Louesa C. 
13626Meeks, Louesa C. (Guardianship of Heirs) 
09567Meeks, Martin L.10/16/1928
11889Meeks, Mary C. 
07269Meeks, Mary E.1/23/1917
12338Meeks, Pearl L. 
04883Meeks, Robert6/12/1908
052201/2Meeks, Robertn. d.
05733Meeks, Robert (Guardianship of Heirs)9/22/1909
10557Meeks, Robert H. 
12959Meeks, Vernon M. 
06681Meeks, William A.8/7/1916
10325Meese, Ida (Guardianship)4/14/1934
05187Mellinger, John H.7/11/1898
01515Melton, Clement L.2/17/1899
03671Melton, Clement L. (Guardianship)12/16/1897
12993Melvin, Edna 
06313Melvin, Elizabeth2/11/32
05964Melvin, Frank5/12/31
12153Melvin, Frank (Guardianship) 
08055Menard, David O.1919
07058Menard, Lucille (Guardianship)5/10/1919
07034Menard, Peter2/1/1924
08160Menard, Peter (Guardianship of Heirs)1924
00686Mendenhall, Jesse1/5/1861
00801Mendenhall, Jesse (Heirs of)1/7/1863
07777Mendenhall, John7/26/1920
06021Meranda, Dora A.9/15/31
05882Meranda, Matilda A.12/10/1929
08971Merando, Neil H.1/7/1924
09047Mercer, Elizabeth Jane5/2/1929
08792Mercer, Francis Marion1/14/1927
10312Mercer, Walter W. (Guardainship of Heirs)12/19/1934
08952Merchant, Daniel18/9/1923
03799Meredith, Elmer E.11/10/1897
05984Meredith, John F.12/1/30
10214Meredith, Paul O.1/4/1934
02199Merrel, Charles9/5/1870
14071Merrell, Cora Peck 
12096Merrell, Fredus R. 
01615Messer, Mary (Guardianship)6/9/1871
13442Messerschmidt, Catherine 
06075Messerschmidt, Herman1/15/31
06564Messersmith, Hiram12/28/1914
00745Messinger, Elizabeth5/21/1864
00605Messinger, Michael1859
00685Messinger, Michael3/26/1859
00567Messinger, Michael7/10/1862
06609Metcalf, James R.1/31/1917
01735Metcalf, Laurel F. (Guardianship)8/25/1881
05202Metcalf, Suitham7/14/1870
11567Metsker, Commodore D. 
11981Metsker, Minnie G. 
03232Metts, Milton S. (Guardianship of Heir)7/20/1892
11411Metzger, Henry 
07265Metzker, Jacob K.5/25/1915
05728Metzker, Mark B. (Guardianship of Heir)7/13/1914
06993Metzker, Mark B. (Guardianship of Heirs)3/22/1918
06994Metzker, Mark B. (Guardianship of Heirs)4/3/1919
10189Meyer, Oliver2/8/1934
09088Meyers, Gertrude27/8/1923
11281Meyers, Henry G. 
00295Michael, Adam1856
00369Michael, Adam3/18/1869
08331Michael, David2/23/1922
05174Michael, Elijah (Guardianship of Heir)9/20/1904
02606Michael, Emily (Guardianship of Heirs)4/7/1881
09086Michael, Eveline4/9/1923
00148Michael, George5/1844
00062Michael, Gregory7/2/1843
13484Michael, Harry 
07478Michael, Mary A.2/26/1918
12723Michael, Mary G. 
13802Michael, Mary G. (Guardianship of Heir) 
03689Michael, Samuel2/1/1899
02317Michael, Simon George (Guardianship)11/4/1852
07156Michael, Simon M.3/23/1917
07156Michael, Simon M.3/23/1917
07203Michael, Simon M.3/9/1917
05910Michael, Simon M. (Guardianship of Heirs)2/8/1918
05472Michael, William A.4/15/1912
07575Michael, William A. (Guardianship of Heirs)10/17/1923
10282Michael, William A.(Guardianship of Heirs)11/14/1916
07480Michener, Caroline P.5/8/1918
07266Michener, George W.7/11/1914
02468Michener, William S.3/3/1886
02485Michener, William S. (Guardianship of Heirs)4/29/1887
02653Michener, William S. (Guardianship of Minor Heirs)3/26/1888
05211Mickey, Christiana9/8/1908
05212Mickey, Christiana9/18/1908
09738Middleton, Charles W.1/19/1931
13544Middleton, Cora E. 
12441Middleton, Eliza Walker 
09365Middleton, Minetta (Guardianship of Heirs)6/17/1919
11517Mier, Walter O. 
01789Miers, Franklin (Guardianship)2/8/1870
14239Miers, Peter, Sr. 
06562Mikesell, Luther Wayne2/16/34
07495Milholland, Maggie (Guardianship)6/1/1918
10723-1Milhollin, Ida 
10723-2Milhollin, Ida 
04962Milhollin, Mary11/1/1909
04087Milhollin, Nathan1/5/1902
10076Milhollin, Samuel10/29/1934
07615Miller William07/14/1921
10713Miller, Ada May 
08417Miller, Adan Harvey11/26/1924
03069Miller, Adolph10/3/1891
03091Miller, Adolph (Guardianship of Heir)11/21/1892
08047Miller, Alexander02/06/1922
04738Miller, Alfred1/11/1908
04854Miller, Alfred (Guardianship)3/6/1909
00900Miller, Alfred (Guardianship)5/19/1851
02290Miller, Alfred (Guardianship)5/19/1851
12284Miller, Alfred Isaac 
04298Miller, Amanda1/24/1905
05553Miller, Amelia12/6/1913
12722Miller, Bessie L. 
01237Miller, Calvin (Guardianship)3/4/1876
07919Miller, Caroline8/1/1922
02108Miller, Charles5/30/1867
10651Miller, Charles 
13862Miller, Charles A. 
12237Miller, Charles E. 
08866Miller, Charles Hobart4/6/1926
08061Miller, Charles L.1923
10423Miller, Claud L. (Guardianship of Heir) 
09205Miller, Claude L.4/1929
06080Miller, Cruden1/8/1927
11679Miller, Cruden (Guardianship of Heirs) 
00189Miller, Daniel3/1850
03442Miller, Daniel1/8/1891
08164Miller, Daniel3/18/1924
04843Miller, Daniel B.2/21/1908
04847Miller, Daniel B.3/30/1908
07537Miller, David5/29/1920
10694Miller, David 
11257Miller, David I. 
04813Miller, Effie1/2/1909
04082Miller, Elijah7/18/1902
07661Miller, Eliza B.11/28/1921
12332Miller, Ellen 
04711Miller, Emma A. (Guardianship of Heirs)3/26/1897
02589-AMiller, Emma A.(Guardianship of Heirs)3/26/1897
09090Miller, Emma R.16/10/1923
10254Miller, Ervin E.8/27/1934
12846Miller, Francis Joseph (Guardianship of Heirs) 
08093Miller, Frank7/31/1922
11953Miller, Frank R. 
12646Miller, Frank R. 
13290Miller, Fred J. 
10761Miller, Fremont 
04711-BMiller, Frnaklin B.8/6/1908
03917Miller, George F.3/26/1901
03974Miller, George F. (Guardianship of Heirs)8/13/1901
02536Miller, George W.2/28/1887
12130Miller, George W. 
05863Miller, Gladys M.4/13/1928
10387Miller, Gladys M. (Guardianship of Heirs)3/23/1935
06045Miller, Harold E.8/15/1925
04182Miller, Harriet6/11/1904
04588Miller, Harrison C.10/12/1906
02804Miller, Harrison J. (Guardianship of Heirs)3/1/1876
09966Miller, Harry S.3/9/1929
01932Miller, Henry2/13/1883
03735Miller, Henry (Guardianship of Heirs)6/13/1884
07732Miller, Henry L.1/8/1921
01003Miller, Homer B.9/24/1870
13370-AMiller, Ida F. (Guardianship) 
13370-BMiller, Ida F. (Guardianship) 
06504Miller, Ida Green11/9/33
03768Miller, Jackson8/8/1899
00630Miller, Jacob10/6/1864
07515Miller, Jacob5/16/1921
08365Miller, Jacob (Guardianship of Heirs)7/20/1918
06621Miller, Jacob A.3/26/1915
13774Miller, James A. 
14004Miller, James Franklin 
08314Miller, James H.2/18/1924
08936Miller, Jennie A.25/10/1925
00177Miller, John12/13/1848
13153Miller, John 
06577Miller, John H.3/1/1912
07314Miller, John H.1/1/1910
07314Miller, John H.1910
09448Miller, John H.10/12/1927
10032Miller, John H.7/19/1930
01577Miller, John H. (Guardianship)12/25/1877
11960Miller, Joseph S. 
06398Miller, Josephine4/11/33
09023Miller, Josephine?/1/1927
13717Miller, Josephine 
01274Miller, Levi12/31/1872
05407Miller, Lewis O. (Guardianship of Heir)10/3/1896
11686Miller, Lucien 
04541Miller, Lucinda6/13/190
04645Miller, Lucinda4/15/1907
09334Miller, Luther F.5/19/1926
10084Miller, Margaret L.5/11/1934
11307Miller, Margaret L. (Guardianship of Heirs) 
08698Miller, Martha E.10/3/1925
10969Miller, Mary 
02161Miller, Mary A.3/1/1893
10386-1Miller, Mary A. (Guardianship)5/12/1933
10386-2Miller, Mary A. (Guardianship)5/12/1933
10386-3Miller, Mary A. (Guardianship)5/12/1933
05620Miller, Mary E.6/5/1913
08076Miller, Mary E.01/27/1922
11597Miller, Mary E. 
07845Miller, Mary E. (Guardianship of Heir)3/18/1919
11731Miller, Maude 
03756Miller, Nancy12/10/1898
03657Miller, Nancy (Guardianship)6/18/1894
08473Miller, Oliver B.11/18/1924
09856Miller, Oliver M. (Guardianship)1923
05075Miller, Oliver T. (Guardianship)6/7/1904
08347Miller, Ollie (Guardianship)10/29/1923
10666Miller, Ora E. 
10445Miller, Orlando F. 
12314Miller, Otis O. 
11245Miller, Perry 
07995Miller, Perry M.02/24/1922
10003Miller, Phoebe A.4/3/1930
14240Miller, Posey 
07476Miller, Rachel1/3/1920
01575Miller, Rebecca A.1/8/1877
06727.5Miller, Rezin M.12/15/1916
01534Miller, Rhuhama3/5/1879
11727Miller, Robert 
05193Miller, Sanford3/11/1902
10543Miller, Sarah Catherine 
06207Miller, Sarah Catherine (Gaurdianship)10/26/32
09284Miller, Sarah E.5/29/1925
08884Miller, Sarah E.7/2/1925
01980Miller, Simon5/2/1879
11256Miller, Sophia 
02607Miller, Sophronia (Guardianship)4/26/1888
05879Miller, Squire1/14/30
05909Miller, Steward F. (Guardianship of Heir)10/29/1929
09769Miller, Stweard F.10/29/1929
01259Miller, Thomas C.10/9/1876
03152Miller, Thomas C. (Guardianship of Heirs)1/12/1877
10931Miller, Thomas V. 
13718Miller, Virginia C. 
06505Miller, Walter11/9/33
00151Miller, William2/15/1842
07606Miller, William06/19/1920
09765Miller, William A.5/9/1928
08096Miller, William A.1/8/1923
08825Miller, William A. (Guardianship of Heirs)11/5/1928
08726Miller, William S.1/12/1925
06062Miller, William S. (Guardianship of Heirs)1/9/1926
12468Miller, William T. 
07020Millholland, Charles V.1/10/1919
13693Milligan, Lester M. 
12927Milligan, Martha 
09538Milligan, Orla B.1/5/1929
10069Millikan, Martha6/22/1923
07564Milliner, John F.6/10/1921
09540Milliner, John F.2/14/1921
10962Mills, Cassius C. 
01572Mills, Charles (Guardiaship)1/23/1873
10576Mills, Ella 
07642Mills, Emory Smith6/13/1919
00558Mills, George1863
10980Mills, Jacob R. 
09445Mills, Jane5/1921
10925Mills, Mattie Elizabeth 
09788Mills, Sarah M.1/28/1930
09269Mills, Thomas E.1/20/1929
11527Millspaugh, Henry E. 
04414Milner, Charles R.7/7/1904
01876Miltank, Christopher1/19/1882
08384Miltenberger, Ernest J. (Guardianship of Heirs)3/27/1925
07704Mincer, Bert (Guardianship of Heir)3/28/1922
05331Mincer, Bert J.3/21/1913
04450Mingle, Elizabeth6/9/1906
03811Mingle, Gustus9/22/1898
05309Mingle, Gustus (Guardianship of Heir)11/11/1898
05954Mingle, Idona7/12/30
12815Mingle, Minerva J. 
02367Minnich, George3/1845
06956Minnich, William (Guardianship of Heir)5/22/1919
12324Minnich, William (Guardianship of Heir) 
01552Minnick, Andrew1/28/1879
11285Minnick, Bessie A. 
11962Minnick, Lydia A. 
01687Minnick, Magdalene10/28/1880
12486Minnick, Ola V. 
06871Minnick, Reuben (Guardianship of Heirs)6/19/1907
04527Minnick, Reuben C.4/24/1905
04528Minnick, Reuben C.4/24/1905
07012Minor, Arthur C.4/28/1916
07516Minor, Arthur C.4/16/1921
09239Minor, Arthur C. (Guardianship of Heirs)8/4/1919
06097Minor, Marcus Ward (Guardianship of Heir)2/26/1919
06098Minor, Marcus Ward (Guardianship of Heir)2/26/1919
10785Minor, Rutha Ann 
00251Minshall, Levi1836
09011Minton, Charles N.17/7/1928
09094Minton, Clara May7/4/1924
03521Minton, John2/16/1900
07267Minton, William12/7/1914
10796Minton, William (Guardianship of Heir) 
00833Mires, Peter8/24/1864
00767Mires, William1/16/1864
02899Missingn. d.
02906Missingn. d.
01254Missing (or 01255) 
11816Mitchell, Carl M. 
07268Mitchell, Catherine12/11/1909
10514Mitchell, Dora Belle9/18/1934
09080Mitchell, Dora F.28/1/1924
05417Mitchell, Ella (Guardianship of Heirs)9/7/1898
10881Mitchell, Elmira 
13956Mitchell, Forrest Lee (Guardianship of Heirs) 
06268Mitchell, George S.12/16/32
06590Mitchell, Harvey12/1/1909
02107Mitchell, Howard5/27/1869
07230Mitchell, Jael9/4/1918
04464Mitchell, James Q.8/18/1905
07667Mitchell, John R.3/27/1920
05020Mitchell, Leroy Harlan4/19/1911
10242Mitchell, Marcellus W. 
11153Mitchell, Marcellus W. 
12417Mitchell, Marinda Ellen 
13601Mitchell, Mary Alice 
12156Mitchell, Minnie E. (Guardianship) 
12632Mitchell, Ottie D. 
01530Mitchell, Samuel E.2/24/1871
12694Mitchell, Samuel E. 
03230Mitchell, Samuel E. (Guardianship of Heirs)10/1/1887
01280Mitchell, Samuel W.2/2/1877
06190Mitchell, Sarah6/24/32
05898Mitchell, Sarah (Guardianship of Heirs)6/24/32
03347Mitchell, Sarah E.7/19/1894
01267Mitchell, Thomas C.8/2/1864
00351Mitchell, William8/20/1854
04725Mitchell, William H. (Guardianship of Heirs)12/12/1906
10360Mitchell, Zella A.6/26/1935
13075Mithoff, Helen S. 
01576Mittenger, William W. (Guardianship)4/25/1863
10046Mix, Charles M.7/2/1930
11434Mix, Charles M. (Guardianship of Heir) 
02087Mobley, John (Guardianship of Heirs)6/4/1864
00816Mobley, John [Mohley]6/1/1863
05236Mock, Andrew R.11/25/1910
05569Mock, Andrew R. (Guardianship of Heirs)6/10/1911
06252Mock, Lillie F.9/26/32
08695Mock, Sarah E.1/28/1926
10828Mock, Warren 
00811Modlin, John10/1/1855
00404Modlin, Levi4/7/1836
05201Modlin, Margaret2/16/1901
13128Modlin, Mary A. 
03537Modlin, William5/22/1900
12702Moffett, Bertha Edith 
10787-1Moffett, Irvin9/27/1928
10787-2Moffett, Irvin 
02930Moffett, Lambert2/20/1892
11457Moffett, Martha R. 
11410Moffett, Robert E. 
08015Moffett, Sarah J.01/18/1923
03001Moffett, W. H.11/11/1892
03845Moffitt, Mary A.7/22/1899
00364Mohler, Daniel5/9/1837
01727Mohler, Daniel (Guardianship)2/16/1867
01046Mohoney, Clemard2/28/1872
01900Moler, James8/7/1866
07821Molfett, Sarah J.9//11/1920
10111Moller, Catharine1/4/1934
09131Monagham, William I.2/6/1920
03560Mong, Robert H.3/24/1896
04520Mong, Susan S.4/9/1906
09001Mong, Thomas M.14/4/1921
08727Mong, Zachariah T. (Guardianship of Heir)8/22/1925
05217Mong, Zachary T.2/17/1911
13453Mongrain, Lillie Hannegan 
11522Monks, Elizabeth A. 
11622Monroe, Cora 
06449Monroe, edward1/9/33
10209Monroe, George W.6/26/1933
06623Montgomery, Elizabeth J.2/11/1916
09457Montgomery, Eugene S. (Guardianship of Heir)5/1/1929
00865Montgomery, Isom C.11/27/1865
03343Montgomery, Mary E.3/1/1890
07442Montross, James (Guardianship of Heirs)2/14/1919
00414Moodey, Martin10/14/1842
08830Moody, Alva2/3/1928
00907Moody, Elizabeth1/9/1869
03420Moody, James7/27/1892
00660Moody, John10/6/1862
01573Moody, John (Guardianship of Heirs)6/14/1867
08227Moody, M.J. Partnership)1/17/1925
04380Moody, Margaret A.V.2/9/105
00595Moody, Martin1866
01056Moody, Mary9/5/1870
09661Moody, Sarah M.1/26/1926
09904Moody, William H. (Guardianship)5/26/1927
03218Moomaw, Calvin F.9/21/1894
03488Moomaw, Calvin F.1/8/1897
09263Moomaw, Sarah12/19/1928
02685Moon, Ida L.9/21/1903
05397Moon, Ida L. (Guardianship of Heirs)7/28/1904
13386Moon, Jabez T. 
03038Moon, Jacob (Guardianship of Heirs)2/28/1866
02280Moore (Guardianship)8/13/1845
00171Moore, [John] Spencer10/23/1846
02201Moore, Aaron7/3/1873
06084Moore, Alberta1/6/1928
10147Moore, Alberta (Guardianship of Heirs)1/5/1933
07421Moore, Alcinda5/30/1919
00108Moore, Amos1/13/1840
01140Moore, Amos3/27/1875
09248Moore, Anna F.6/21/1928
08674Moore, Benjamin F.2/12/1926
08896Moore, Calvin W.07/25/1926
09332Moore, Catharine4/23/1926
04735Moore, Catharine (Guradianship for Heir)5/6/1908
03573Moore, Charles W.2/26/1898
04505Moore, Charles W.5/10/1905
04378Moore, Clara J.5/11/1905
02735Moore, David9/5/1890
07336Moore, Emily I.8/10/1915
07336Moore, Emily I.8/10/1915


00403Moore, Enos8/16/1848
13820Moore, Evaline 
08544Moore, George A.8/25/1926
14106Moore, Ida L. 
00201Moore, James H.1847
09019Moore, James H.?/1/1929
01119Moore, James H. (Guardianship of Heirs)7/26/1855
03092Moore, Jesse12/22/1893
00088Moore, John1841
01580Moore, John (Heirs)2/10/1841
13694Moore, John R. 
03519Moore, John S.6/1/1903
10629Moore, Joseph H.1/7/1936
00622Moore, Juliann D.7/29/1854
06678Moore, Lewis5/22/1916
12822Moore, Lois (Guardianship of Heirs) 
06630Moore, Maria3/13/1915
06632Moore, Maria2/23/1915
01762Moore, Mark1/1/1881
02318Moore, Martha (Guardianship)8/9/1852
11595Moore, Martin L. 
11318Moore, Martin Luther (Guardianship) 
12216Moore, Martin Luther (Guardianship) 
04320Moore, Mary A.12/22/1905
11881Moore, Mary C. 
06392Moore, Mary K.3/21/33
03262Moore, Mary V.11/23/1895
01766Moore, Matilda2/3/1881
03389Moore, Miles C.8/24/1883
13445Moore, Minnie Gertrude 
01584Moore, Nancy A.10/3/1871
06447Moore, Ophelia G.12/22/32
03475Moore, Parker11/8/1900
07712Moore, Parker T.12/18.1920
00017Moore, Phillip10/3/1836
13024Moore, Ralph F. (Petition) 
12758Moore, Robert E. 
13725Moore, Robert Herchel 
10198Moore, Rufus W.9/15/1930
03595Moore, Salina8/30/1897
01496Moore, Samuel2/8/1871
02031Moore, Samuel8/9/1852
01368Moore, Samuel (Guardianship of Heirs)2/24/1872
01837Moore, Sarah5/31/1883
10477Moore, Sarah11/27/1934
11771Moore, Sarah A. 
09516Moore, Susanna9/27/1928
07636Moore, Thomas K.12/30/1918
10238Moore, Will H. 
05509Moore, William E. (Guardianship of Heir)3/3/1913
03847Moore, William R.11/13/1899
11353Moorehead, Charles 
12991Moorehead, Charles 
12004Moppin, Leonard 
11989Moran, James W. 
03047Morehart, Lillie3/15/1894
08934Morehouse, Charles S.20/9/1927
09822Moreland, David2/14/1930
09872Moreland, David (Guardianship)2/12/1930
09525Moreland, David L.7/13/1928
11625Moreland, Franklin 
11356Moreland, Henry 
04443Moreland, Margaret A.11/6/1902
07600Moreland, May D.00/00/1921
04599Moreland, William H.6/27/1907
10028Morgan, Charles6/30/1930
07707Morgan, Charles (Guardianship of Heir)11/19/1921
06880Morgan, Charles (Heir)11/6/1918
10443Morgan, George R. 
13375Morgan, Juanita (Guardianship) 
08189Morgan, Mary A.5/10/1923
07989Morgan, Matilda A.01/04/1922
13627Morgan, Paul (Guardianship) 
05896Morgan, Rollie (Guardianship of Heirs)1/8/1919
06992Morgan, Sarah V. (Guardianship of Heirs)12/29/1905
08280Morgan, Sidney Belle2/19/1923
04370Morin, John A.7/30/1906
12442Morlan, Alma Long 
12851Morris, Alfred W. 
09191Morris, Alonzo11/5/1923
10293Morris, Alonzo (Guardianship of Heir)2/12/1932
07669Morris, Bennie6/23/1920
13228Morris, Bertha Alma 
13439Morris, Catherine 
07531Morris, Emma I.3/11/1919
11805Morris, Frank 
05953Morris, Garrie (Guardianship of Heirs)10/13/1919
12532Morris, Herman Wendell (Guardianship) 
06186Morris, Hugh6/8/32
04605Morris, John Fletcher1/26/1907
07703Morris, John Fletcher (Guardianship of Heir)0/00/1915
08407Morris, John Fletcher (Guardianship of Heirs)8/19/1907
09557Morris, John H.2/3/1926
12220Morris, Laura A. 
12221Morris, Laura A. 
11798Morris, Leslie E. 
12382Morris, Leslie E. (Guardianship of Heirs) 
10833Morris, Lily B. 
07675Morris, Martha J. 
01581Morris, Mary (Heirs)9/19/1863
07140Morris, Robert M.1/9/1919
07140Morris, Robert M.1/9/1919
06527Morris, Sirilda4/12/33
07560Morris, Smith A.10/23/1918
12519-BMorrison, Irvin L. 
10379Morrison, Lillian Louise (Guardianship)5/13/1935
13459Morrison, Mary H. 
11821Morrison, Peter King 
13836Morrison, Vyica (Vycie) E. 
09079Morrissey, John J.31/1/1924
08266Morrissey, John J.6/18/1925
11507Morrow, Charles P. 
10142Morrow, Mary P.7/26/1934
09933Morrow, Thomas E.10/26/1929
12387Morvilius, Earl (Guardianship of Heirs) 
12451Morvilius, Earl E. 
11294Mosier, Carrie Luella 
07237Moss, Delbert (Guardianship)n. d.
04300Moss, Emma9/20/1905
10129Moss, Henry A.4/2/1934
07255Moss, Lizzie (Guardianship of Heir)9/5/1919
08893Moss, Martha E.09/20/1924
02325Moss, William J.3/14/1870
13826Mossman, Walter A. 
00803Mote, Aaron11/5/1856
02806Mote, Harvey H.4/7/1883
02570Mote, Isaiah9/16/1875
01878Mote, Isaiah12/13/1882
01277Mote, Isaiah (Guardianship)11/18/1874
03176Motes, Hannah4/16/1895
04269Motes, John1/19/1901
02200Motes, John12/14/1872
09736Motsenbocker, James M.10/12/1929
14241Motsenbocker, Lillie O. (Guardianship) 
06610Mott, Lydia12/8/1915
00994Moure, Mary Ellen (Guardianship)9/28/1864
04669Moveland, David L. (Guardianship)7/8/1908
02714Mowery, John4/22/1884
09121Mowrer, Sarah E.21/3/1925
07506AMowrey, John1/22/1920
05503Mowrey, John L. (Guardianship of Heirs8/22/1911
06486Mowrey, Leroy D.9/20/33
14001Mowrey, Winifred 
05708Mowrey,John L.3/28/1911
11407Moylan, Patrick 
11370Mt. Zion Methodist Episcopal Church (Trusteeship) 
01246Muchmore, Samuel12/24/1868
09336Mueller, Henry6/2/1926
09446Mueller, Julia A.5/6/1926
10382Mueller, Julia A. (Guardianship of Heirs)12/2/1926
01562Mueller, Peter1/16/1877
03099Mueller, Peter (Guardianship of Heirs)1/16/1877
08719Mueller, Phillip10/6/1926
08808Mulholland, James R. (Guardianship of Heir)1923
08809Mulholland, James R. (Guardianship of Heir)1/14/1921
06245Mull, Rachel C.7/27/32
11900Mullen, Maude 
06518Mullen, Pauline6/23/32
14242Mullen, Ralph 
01271Mullen, Sussanah (Guardianship of Heirs)1/1872
10252Mullin, Emmitt7/16/1934
09316Mullin, Sarah1/13/1926
05411Mullins, Franklin P. (Guardianship of Heirs)4/5/1909
04706Mullins, Franklin P., Sr.6/5/1908
13116Mulreed, Alice J. 
02863Mulreed, John9/22/1891
04766Mulreed, John (Guardianship fo Heir)9/25/1891
04767Mulreed, John (Guardianship fo Heir)9/25/1891
09128Muncie Trust Co.24/2/1920
13395Mundell, Mary E. 
05191Mundwyler, Charles H.11/27/1907
03940Munn, Amas S.3/29/1901
03765Munsey, Bessie D. (Guardianship)12/11/1896
06905Munsey, Catherine12/21/1917
05605Munsey, David O.11/3/1913
02105Munsey, Elbert10/5/1859
00718Munsey, ELizabeth Jane (Guardianship)1/26/1861
05799Munsey, James G.7/3/1914
03774AMunsey, Jesse S.11/29/1901
03774BMunsey, Jesse S.11/29/1901
04482Munsey, Jesse S.9/3/1901
05634Munsey, Louisa Ann5/21/1912
04283Munson, Martha A.8/22/1907
12281Murdick, Daniel P. 
04476Murphey, Boze8/15/1904
12134Murphey, John C. 
09055Murphy, Amanda A.1/12/1927
08393Murphy, Amanda A. (Guardianship)9/11/1919
04274Murphy, Anna E.6/30/1904
08308Murphy, Burt A.1/3/1924
14243Murphy, Fred 
00027Murphy, James9/17/1830
00398Murphy, James4/24/1854
10665Murphy, James 
10673Murphy, John 
10691Murphy, Michael 
11923Murphy, Michael 
06711Murphy, Patrick2/9/1917
05545Murphy, Peter3/28/1913
08253Murphy, Peter (Guardianship of Hiers)1925
06114Murphy, Warren, R.2/2/31
05584Murray, Albert P.10/19/1912
09164Murray, Charline K.22/7/1922
05021Murray, Hamilton (Guardianship)3/14/1905
03746Murray, James (Guardianship)1/27/1900
14244Murray, James E. 
10783Murray, Julie Ann 
09681Murray, Lonnie6/20/1929
07542Murray, Louisa H.7/30/1920
09132Murray, Louisa H. (Guardianship of Heirs)30/5/1920
07477Murray, Louisa H. (Guardianship)5/3/1920
11398Murray, Margaret (Guardianship of Heir) 
06565Murray, Martha L.12/2/1913
04420Murray, Mary Ann12/14/1904
12741Murray, Nellie B. 
06041Musser, George O.9/17/30
09388Musser, Laura4/25/1927
08503Mutch, Dora (Guardianship of Heir)1925
10435Mutch, Harry 
02554Mutch, Mary11/13/1886
02593Mutch, Mary (Guardianship of Heirs)1/15/1887
01568Mutchner, Philip E. (Guardianship)9/13/1867
09629Muterspaugh, James A.7/10/1930
10343Myers, Charles H.12/5/1934
06205Myers, Delbert C. (Guardianship)7/26/32
04146Myers, Ebminda10/3/1903
03851Myers, Eliza1/22/1895
11707Myers, Elizabeth E. 
11980Myers, Emma 
05186Myers, George6/6/1900
01622Myers, George A.4/24/1880
11675Myers, Herbert L. (Guardianship) 
01765Myers, Jacob A.6/18/1881
07873Myers, Jacob E.3/27/1923
10501Myers, Jacob E. (Guardianship of Heirs) 
01800Myers, Jesse12/16/1875
12015Myers, John Wesley 
12622Myers, John Wesley 
02580Myers, Joseph3/9/1889
07023Myers, Julia W.7/18/1918
12924Myers, Lillie May 
10413Myers, Mary C.5/22/1935
01817Myers, Mary E.5/11/1865
11277Myers, Mary V. 
13817Myers, Monroe D. 



09521Myers, Samuel J. (Guardianship)5/1924
03233Myers, Sarah11/5/1895
11913Myers, Sarah E. 
02766Myers, Sarah Ellen9/25/1886
03790Myers, Sarah Ellen (Guardianship of Heirs)9/25/1886
03655Myers, Sarah J. (Guardianship of Heir)1/7/1884
01243Myers, Soloman10/30/1873
08731Myers, Thomas6/17/1925
09160Myers, Thomas E.10/6/1922
07432Myers, Thomas E. (Guardianship)9/13/1910
11363Mynatt, Cornelia 
06532Mynatt, Verna1/15/32
10954Mynatt, Verna 
00739Mahoney, Joseph, et al (Heirs of Job Smith)2/2/1863
05192Mahoney, Mary1/21/1909
03611Mahoney, Mary E. (Guardianship of Heirs)10/23/1879
09029Mahoney, Mary J. (Guardianship of Heirs)?/1/1929
13245Maick, August M. 
10677Maier, Louisa 
06682Mails, Samuel7/12/1915
05190Main, Thomas B.1/25/1908
01626Main, William J.1/10/1881
05762Maine, Jacob11/12/1914
00095Maiten, Isaac5/1845
02851Maitlen, Adeline3/18/1889
00180Maitlen, Isaac11/27/1838
02761Maitlen, Isaac A.6/4/1888
00587Maitlen, James L.12/14/1867
00942Maitlen, James L. (Guardianship of Heirs)1/12/1869
01586Maitlen, Joshua F.9/13/1877
02595Maitlen, Joshua F. (Guardiahsip of Heirs)12/7/1877
09603Maitlen, Mary E.5/9/1929
02519Maitlen, Richard2/11/1887
08869Maitlen, Richard A. (Guardianship of Heirs)7/5/1921
10883Maitlen, Wildie L. 
08144Maitlin, Richard A.6/23/1921
05976Majors, Charles8/14/30
00494Makepeace, Hayden11/15/1843
00390Makepeace, Ransom5/18/1857
02286Makepeace, Willard (Guardianship)11/11/1844
00188Makepeice, Amasa1/1850
00149Makepiece, Ransom10/29/1845
00257Malcom, Robert12/5/1845
12078Maley, James A. 
11476Maley, James H. 
09541Mallet, Mary1930
12010Malony, Anna Eliza 
06278Manderson, Mable Irene (Guardianship of Heir)12/21/1928
03822Manifold, Daniel4/27/1900
12709Manley, George B. 
09091Manley, George W.17/10/1923
14235Mann & Lesh (Partnership) 
08058Mann, Albert A.1924
09813Mann, Carson M.3/20/1929
10593Mann, Clement Elza 
13920Mann, Delbert R. 
08745Mann, Eli B.11/1924
05273Mann, Isaac7/31/1911
01340Mann, John11/20/1876
13568Mann, Mary Abegail 
12356Mann, Mary H. 
06671Mann, Mary L.7/12/1916


00260Mann, Warner9/21/1849
10449Mann, William W. 
10429Mann, William W. (Partnership) 
08329Mann, Winifred A.6/19/1923
01582Manning, Malinda10/22/1879
02664Manning, Malinda (Guardianship of Heirs)1/22/1880
08502Manning, Robert E. (Guardianship of Heir)1920
13937Manor, Anna M. 
13299Manor, Annie M. 
05029Manor, Caleb H.12/24/1910
08260Manor, David J.2/9/1923
04691Manor, George F.11/15/1907
07727Manor, George F. (Guardianship of Heir)0/00/1917
07725Manor, George F. (Guardianship of Heirs)4/13/1911
04911Manor, George, H. (Guardianship of Heirs)5/14/1909
02474Manor, John4/8/1888
03388Manor, John6/14/1881
03643Manor, John (Guardianship of Heir)6/2/1899
09170Manor, John S.1922
04034Manor, Katharine A.11/11/1901
10290Manor, Lulu (Guardianship of Heir)7/30/1931
10290Manor, LuLu (Guardianship)4/7/1930
10290Manor, Lulu(Guardianship)4/7/1930
12688Manor, Mary 
10371Manor, Mary Helen3/11/1919
03652Manor, Samuel (Guardianship)5/3/1892
09802Manor, Sarah L.3/22/1929
09430Manring, Julia J.4/2/1928
06335Mansfield, Bessie K.2/1/32
07002Mansfield, Bessie K. (Guardianship)4/5/1913
10394Mansfield, Cecil (Guardianship)8/6/1932
01474Mansfield, Charles3/1/1879
03326Mansfield, Charles (Guardianship of Heirs)5/29/1882
01390Mansfield, Charles (Guardianship)1/19/1878
09975Mansfield, Charles W.2/23/1931
10326Mansfield, Cordelia E.5/9/1924
05603Mansfield, Diannah8/7/1913
01075Mansfield, Ellen (Guardianship)12/9/1871
08363Mansfield, George R.2/23/1924
08671Mansfield, Ira V.1927
08954Mansfield, Ira V. (Guardianship of Heirs)11/5/1926
11422Mansfield, J. Clyde (Guardianship) 
01036Mansfield, John R.7/9/1870
02399Mansfield, John R. (Guardianship)8/1871
06311Mansfield, John W.1/27/32
11569Mansfield, Joseph Clyde 
08571Mansfield, Lafayette11/27/1926
04237Mansfield, Margaret5/12/1897
03772AMansfield, Mary3/10/1897
03772BMansfield, Mary3/10/1897
03773Mansfield, Mary3/10/1897
05947Mansfield, Mary Jane9/27/1928
02859Mansfield, Perry W.7/24/1890
13569Mansfield, Perry W. 
05423Mansfield, Perry W. (Guardianship of Heirs)9/12/1891
14236Mansfield, Phoebe A. 
11320Mansfield, Robert Loyd (Guardianship of Heir) 
02694Mansfield, Robert S.5/11/1889
03576Mansfield, Sarah3/8/1895
00958Mansfield, William (Guardianship of Heirs)11/9/1860
00924Mansfield, William H.8/10/1869
01994Mansfield, William H. (Guardianship of Heirs)6/26/1872
08097Mansfiled, R. Lloyd2/18/1922
03653Mansur, Samuel (Guardianship of Heir)5/28/1897
12095Mansur, Theodore Edwin 
11368-1March, Harold P. 
11368-2March, Harold P. 
05583March, Margaret J.8/2/1913
03226March, Walter4/9/1883
07673Marine, Moorman W.12/29/1921
06141Maring, Joel M.2/21/1922
09508Maring, Elizabeth A.3/7/1928
06608Maring, George W.12/22/1915
06455-AMaring, Grace K.1/1/1927
06455-BMaring, Grace K.1/1/1927
06455-CMaring, Grace K.1/1/1927
10062Maring, Grace K.1/13/1927
13775Maring, Grace K. (Guardianship of Heir) 
11747Maring, Grace K. (Guardianship of Heirs) 
06140Maring, Joel M.4/1/32
09650-1Maring, Joel M.1928
09650-2Maring, Joel M. 
11147Marker, Edna B. 
07591Markle, Thomas B.1921
06488Markley, John G.4/24/33
11417-1Markley, Kate L. 
11417-2Markley, Kate L. 
04882Markley, Sarah E.7/20/1909
12071Marks, Charles W. 
03626Marks, Elias9/3/1896
03647Marks, Elizabeth J.1/13/1899
03397Marks, John7/18/1881
13143Marks, Martha E. 
10982Marks, Orren J. 
09984Marks, Pearl B.4/29/1931
12283Marks, William Earl 
08355Markwell, Elizabeth J.1925
08027Markwell, Elizabeth J.06/18/1921
05345Markwell, Joseph6/21/1911
09855Markwell, Joseph (Guardianship)5/7/1923
08654Markwell, Louisa3/3/1925
10328Marlow, Henry C.5/11/1927
04915Marlow, Nora B.3/20/1907
07094Marquell, Alice J.1/1/1920
06835Marquell, James8/4/1915
03829Marquell, Samuel6/13/1900
09632Marrow, Elizabeth A.5/1/1930
09942Marrs, Sarah J.9/2/1930
02369Marsh, Angeline5/2/1843
13891Marsh, Florence Cowing 
06346Marsh, Henry C. (gaurdianship)2/11/33
06531Marsh, Henry Clay3/9/33
03380Marsh, John3/23/1887
04027Marsh, John7/20/1897
13715Marsh, John W. 
13716Marsh, John W. 
11990Marsh, Linneaus L. 
12286Marsh, Martha W. 
08484Marsh, Mary A.5/22/1925
10434Marsh, Walter M. 
11815Marshall, Amelia M. 
08639Marshall, Carl5/18/1927
08989Marshall, Edward C.13/6/1927
03942Marshall, Elizabeth3/26/1900
06483Marshall, Gordaon3/22/33
12558Marshall, Gordon 
05076Marshall, Horace C. (Guardianship of Heirs)9/18/1900
00464Marshall, Isaac1/12/1856
00357Marshall, James12/1/1855
01059Marshall, John11/10/1869
01103Marshall, John2/14/1873
02259Marshall, John3/7/1857
12128Marshall, John W. 
05625Marshall, Lona (Guardianship of Heir)2/8/1913
05515Marshall, Margaret A.10/12/1912
02686Marshall, Miles3/24/1887
13934Marshall, Parker 
05622Marshall, Thomas3/4/1914
03093Martin, Aaron C.2/11/1892
04357Martin, Aaron C.5/4/1895
13353Martin, Addie F. 
11233Martin, Albert D. 
12309Martin, Albert D. 
11831Martin, Amanda E. 
09153Martin, Amos W.1/4/1922
10607Martin, Anna Frances 
11122Martin, Anna May 
07878Martin, Catherine11/5/1921
14237Martin, David 
00539Martin, Elizabeth1858
01772Martin, Elizabeth M.9/20/1879
03019Martin, Elizabeth M. (Guardianship of Heir)12/25/1880
08385Martin, Emily3/10/1923
06819Martin, Emily F.1/13/1915
01578Martin, Emily J.8/21/1869
07229Martin, Francis M.2/3/1919
05940Martin, Francis M. (Guardianship of Heirs)10/21/1920
05087Martin, Gano (Guardianship of Heir)10/3/1864
01688Martin, George8/6/1881
06315Martin, Ila2/22/32
00144Martin, Isaac5/21/1844
00432Martin, Israel9/25/1851
02469Martin, J. Wilson7/25/1885
05436Martin, Jane11/14/1912
05904Martin, Jefferson R. (guardianship) 
07945Martin, John C. (Guardianship of Heirs)1915
03515Martin, John E.1/2/1901
02955Martin, John Edward (Guardianship)12/9/1889
06147Martin, John S.2/5/32
09949Martin, John S.10/22/1930
01848Martin, Johnathan L.5/27/1882
01645Martin, Joseph (Guardianship of Heirs)2/26/1870
11645Martin, Lizzia (Guardianship) 
11689Martin, Lizzie M. 
11113Martin, Luther S. 
10835Martin, Mary 
01198Martin, Mary E.10/26/1874
02017Martin, Mary E. (Guardianship of Heirs)12/22/1875
03487Martin, Nancy E.5/6/1903
10989Martin, Otto W. 
05224Martin, Phebe8/23/1911
02198Martin, Russel3/26/1874
06475Martin, Samuel I.7/29/30
11608Martin, Sarah F. 
12980Martin, Sarah F. 
08846Martin, Stella2/7/1928
04874Martin, Stephen A.9/27/1877
01736Martin, Stephen R. (Guardianship of Heirs)n. d.
01625Martin, Vincent2/21/1880
02936Martin, Vincent (Guardianship of Heirs)2/1/1891
13926Martin, Vivian Ruth 
03286Martin, Wilbert L. (Guardianship)6/16/1891
12749Martin, William S. 
01877Martin, Willis D.8/14/1880
09864Martz, Walter (Guardianship of Heir)3/18/1925
06411Martz, Walter C.10/15/1924
06446Mascarri, Meda12/7/32
13771Masing, George W. 
14074Masing, Lena M. 
09195Mason, Edward Gilman?/5/1923
08101Mason, Harriett E.4/20/1923
04332Mason, Laura A.8/29/1904
07084Mason, Nancyn. d.
01500Massey, Clark R.12/18/1865
02056Massey, Clark R. (Guardianship of Heirs)12/18/1866
05588Masters, Ellen J.6/15/1913
01847Masters, James C.2/1/1882
05420Masters, Lewis C.10/9/1911
02672Masterson, Henry (Guardianship of Heirs)7/31/1879
12624Masterson, Henry Lee 
13509Masterson, Joseph 
14073Maston, William Arthur 
10772Matheson, Margaret A. 
06040Mathew, Nathaniel Perry11/21/1929
06622Mathews, Carl Webster1/27/1916
04494Mathews, Lillie3/1/1893
00953Matre, Elizabeth Van (Guardianship)2/3/1864
13692Matthew, Albert G. 
06825Matthews, Carl Webster1/19/1915
03401Matthews, Jennie A.7/27/1896
14008Matthews, Mary J. 
13772Matthews, Max E. 
05204Matthews, Thomas J.9/25/1875
05205Matthews, Thomas J.9/25/1875
11509Mattox, Nora 
06370Mauck, Bertha Barnes10/3/32
09468Mauer, Martin F.6/1/1928
12203Mauller, Delbert James (Petition) 
07920Max, John (Guardianship of Heir)1913
04658Max, John W.4/17/1907
07921Max, John W. (Guardianship of Heir)8/7/1909
04197Max, Vinna (Guardianship of Heir)12/6/1899
08158Maxwell, Henry Milton5/10/1924
05028Maxwell, Robert A.9/19/1911
13773May, Bessie 
01642May, Caleb (Heirs)8/21/1873
01082May, Caleb Holland11/5/1872
00794May, George2/19/1868
03889May, Jeremiah1/15/1897
13419May, Louisa 
04996May, Mary Ann2/1/1911
13919May, Orpha 
12463May, Ruth D. Etchison 
13842May, Vane V. 
06078May, William R.10/15/30
05568Mayes, James W. (Guardianship of Heirs)8/3/1908
02397Maynard, Benjamin9/18/1883
05267Maynard, Ida M.2/24/1913
06506Maynard, Leora M.11/9/33
06213Maynard, Washington4/14/30
09613Maynard, Washington4/15/1922
13306Mayo, Bessie 
04570Maywood, Walter S.6/24/1905
13369-AMaze, John E. (Guardianship) 
13369-BMaze, John E. (Guardianship) 
09343McAlister, Joseph C.7/20/1926
02759McAlister, William (Guardianship of Heirs)10/15/1881
01849McAllister, Andrew J.5/20/1882
13830McAllister, Emma F. 
13909McAllister, Emma Florence 
01485McAllister, Ezikiel (Guardianship of Heirs)3/8/1875
08422McAllister, Florence (Guardianship of Heirs)9/25/1917
053551/2McAllister, Frank J.5/21/1924
01624McAllister, George W.3/19/1881
01707McAllister, George W.3/6/1880
01628McAllister, Hannah3/1/1879
00972McAllister, John1/27/1869
02647McAllister, John (Guardianship of Heirs)8/9/1884
12290McAllister, Joseph 
06997McAllister, Mary (Guardianship of Heir)3/8/1919
02413McAllister, William7/30/1881
01495McAllister, William7/16/1874
01812McAllister, William1/9/1879
02238McAllister, William (Guardianship of Heirs)3/14/1879
10744McArthur, Hattie D. 
07086McAtee, Philson C.6/6/1918
13405McAulay, Pheba May 
13392McBee, Calvin M. 
13605McBee, Miller H. 
12961McCabe, Raymond J. 
04764McCaffery, Marie (Guardianship)9/30/1903
05720McCalister, Elizabeth12/4/1915
03674McCall, James5/5/1897
00411McCall, Samuel2/11/1851
00543McCall, Samuel1858
10863McCall, Sarah 
11969McCall, Sarah 
00204McCallistee, John1/1/1840
00253McCallister, Alexander5/30/1848
11930McCallister, Chris C. 
04264McCallister, Elizabeth1/20/1903
13399McCallister, Ernest K. 
00234McCallister, John1852
02279McCallister, John2/11/1850
05567McCamey, Walter R.10/20/1911
12294McCamy, James A. 
12014McCardle, Mary F. 
06241McCarter, Alex1/25/32
05194McCarthy, John S.7/27/1910
08888McCarthy, Julia A.04/9/1927
04548McCarthy, Mary E.6/27/1904
12296McCarthy, Rose M. 
04209McCartney, Andrew B. (Guardianship of Heirs)4/14/1898
02825McCarty, Daniel S.4/3/1890
08552McCarty, James W.1926
12856McCarty, Margaret 
03405McCashland, Oma5/27/1899
08801McCay, Lee31/1/1927
02699McChristie, Martha E.2/1/1890
02592McClain, Archibald (Guardianship of Heirs)1/15/1884
01996McClain, Archibold2/22/1883
09364McClain, Catharine2/29/1928
05188McClain, Cecilia9/23/1892
07630McClain, Charles01/29/1921
06661McClain, George W.(Guardianship)9/1/1919
09275McClain, Mary A.3/11/1929
14227McClanahan, Andrew K. 
11922McClellan, Charles A. 
04655McClellan, Edward (Guradianship)2/7/1905
13122McClellan, Emily E. 
12879McClellan, Emily E. (Guardianship) 
01289McClellan, Frederick8/11/1875
03155McClellan, Frederick (Guardianship of Heirs)10/17/1881
12041McClellan, Ida M. 
04054McClellan, James1/24/1899
03622AMcClellan, James (Guardianship)5/18/1885
03622BMcClellan, James (Guardianship)5/18/1885
03622CMcClellan, James (Guardianship)5/18/1885
03622DMcClellan, James (Guardianship)5/18/1885
03622EMcClellan, James (Guardianship)5/18/1885
02921McClellan, John F.7/31/1890
02660McClellan, John F. (Guardianship)3/29/1884
04268McClellan, Lydia A.3/1/1901
03158McClellan, Lydia A. (Guardianship of Heir)5/24/1901
05763McClellan, Lydia A. (Guardianship of Heir)1/1/1903
13269McClellan, Santford S. 
03157McClellan, William A.11/3/1891
05739McClellan, William A.11/3/1891
05582McClellan, William A. (Guardianship of Heir)1914
09803McClellan, Winston (Guardianship of Heirs)2/20/1929
09036McClellan, Winton?/?/1928
06476McClelland, Elsie3/3/31
12518-BMcClelland, James A. 
05955McClelland, Victor (Guardianship)6/5/31
10685McClimans, Mary F. 
01756McClintock, John (Guardianship)6/12/1879
03403McClung, Charles T.5/17/1897
06612McClung, Clarissa M.1/4/1920
03504McClung, James H.2/8/1899
07908McClung, Minnie (Guardianship of Heir)1923
07950-1McClung, Minnie I. (Guardianship of Heir)1917
07653McClung, Minnie J. (Guardianship of Heir)2/24/1911
09616McClung, William H.3/14/1929
01298McCollister, Ezekiel4/22/1874
00462McColly, John4/26/1856
13258McColm, Emerson 
13134McColm, Nettie Jane 
06256McComas, Virginia10/10/32
06758McConnel, Martha A.6/15/1918
07830McConnell, Abraham5/14/1921
07764McConnell, Albert7/25/1921
11506McConnell, Arthur G. 
08835McConnell, Elizabeth Ann9/27/1927
04417McConnell, John12/12/1903
07791McConnell, John (Guardianship of Heir)9/27/1918
13977McConnell, John B. 
14228McConnell, Joseph F. 
10552McConnell, Maria L. 
01351McConnell, Moses (Guardianship)10/13/1878
10706McConnell, Nancy J. 
06027McConnell, Sarah Elizabeth10/31/31
01402McConnell, William2/11/1878
08177McCord, Ellen7/11/1923
08366McCord, Ellen (Guardianship of Heirs)7/10/1923
11785McCormick, Adam 
06857McCormick, Charles H.8/20/1915
00011McCormick, James10/23/1838
08104McCormick, James1924
02048McCormick, James (Guardianship)2/7/1866
13985McCormick, John 
04904McCormick, Mary H.7/11/1910
02412McCormick, Mary J. (Guardianship)4/27/1865
07530McCormick, Matthew3/25/1920
13852McCormick, Ora N. 
06101McCormick, Susan3/2/31
01570McCormick, Thomas (Guardianship of Heirs)7/20/1872
08662McCormick, Tom (Guardianship of Heirs)1/4/1926
11512McCormick, Walter P. 
01058McCormick, William1/1/1872
00715McCormick, William9/2/1861
05715McCormick, William1/4/1859
03937McCormick, William N.2/16/1901
08715McCormik, Tom4/1/1926
01494McCowen, Charles10/2/1872
14229McCoy, Albert (Guardianship) 
12425McCoy, Arthur W. 
01930McCoy, Catherine9/28/1883
10746McCoy, Charles 
02779McCoy, Elijah V.9/28/1890
13329McCoy, George K. 
01681McCoy, John10/22/1879
01771McCoy, Martha9/13/1881
02943McCoy, Sarah10/29/1891
02089McCoy, William1/8/1864
06321McCracken, James Ovid5/20/32
07209McCray, Edward12/21/1915
07260McCrea, Rebecca B.12/21/1915
09552McCreary, William, Sr. (Guardianship)9/25/1929
10522McCreery, Dorsey O. 
00434McCreery, James2/11/1856
11355McCreery, James T. 
08026-1McCreery, James W. (Guardianship)1929
08026-2McCreery, James W. (Guardianship)no date
08026-3McCreery, James W. (Guardianship)no date
10888McCreery, John J. 
09664McCreery, John W., Sr.12/31/1928
09204McCreery, LuLu (Guardianship)4/1929
03686McCreery, Margaut E.12/28/1898
03276McCreery, Mary (Guardianship of Heirs)12/12/1881
02319McCreery, Samuel (Guardianship)5/22/1851
07550McCreery, Samuel J.7/29/1920
07582McCreery, Samuel J. (Guardianship of Heir)6/11/1921
05709McCreery, Thomas3/23/1906
04950McCreery, Thomas (trusteeship for Heirs)3/16/1907
09821McCreery, William, Sr.1/25/1930
02558McCriller, Amy A.11/8/1887
04731McCrillus, Charles C.9/20/1909
04433McCrillus, Frank S.3/23/1905
06884McCrillus, Kate (Guardianship of Heir)9/30/1918
05475McCrillus, Kate M.5/25/1908
05461McCrillus, Kate M. (Guardianship of Heirs)6/29/1908
10758McCullick, Elizabeth 
04250McCulloch, Cora P.10/29/1904
05444McCulloch, Cora P.9/3/1912
05463McCulloch, Cora P. (Guardianship of Heir)10/29/1904
06781McCulloch, George F.5/6/1915
12291McCulloch, George F. 
11467McCullogh, Harry L. 
09780McCullogh, Lucinda7/31/1929
01813McCullough, James11/13/1870
01821McCullough, James11/23/1870
11104McCullough, Madge B. 
00138McCullough, Thomas11/11/1846
05673McCullough, Thomas B.4/28/1914
00270McCully, William9/28/1854
02301McCully, William2/1857
14285McCune, Samuel7/1854
07207McCurdy, James K.7/16/1914
09677McDaniel, George R.6/1/1929
05764McDaniel, Matthew T.1/1/1914
11884McDaniel, Myrtle 
06423McDaniel, Westie Frances11/1/32
01856McDaniel, William A.5/12/1881
06200McDaniels, Westie F. (Guardianship)8/1/1929
07179McDirmit, Mary J.10/21/1909
02387McDonald, George W. (Guardianship)9/1874
13015McDonald, Ida B. 
02170McDonald, James10/13/1887
00746McDonald, Joseph (Guardianship)8/4/1856
11663McDougle, Ezra 
13625McDuffee, Elizabeth Jean (Guardianship) 
09819McElfresh, Bertha P.11/26/1928
04440McElfresh, Clara V.5/29/1906
07980McElfresh, Harrison T.07/01/1921
07909McElfresh, James A.2/15/1922
08724McElfresh, Mary A.12/16/1925
11425McElfresh, Nathan 
09097McFadden, Ellen29/4/1924
10672McFadden, Hannah 
05630McFadden, Margaret1/17/1914
05783McFadyen, Craig3/30/1916
03061McFee, Lafayette L.4/10/1893
03644McGalliard, Andrew J.2/12/1898
01276McGalliard, George W.3/30/1876
09348McGalliard, George W.3/11/1927
05897McGalliard, J. S. (Guardianship of Heirs)1/5/1918
06570McGalliard, John S.9/9/1914
06738McGalliard, John S.1/12/1918
06906McGalliard, Mary L.1/10/1918
11084-1McGauley, Elizabeth M. 
11084-2McGauley, Elizabeth M. 
08289McGauley, Richard12/4/1923
05702McGibbeny, Hayslet4/18/1914
07748McGinnis, Savilla A.3/31/1921
13087McGovern, Sarah E. 
10133McGown, Phebe5/29/1934
08603McGrath, Frank C.1927
02969McGraw, Andrew J.2/27/1892
13982McGraw, Lucy 
08945McGraw, Mary1922
07225McGraw, Mary (Guardianship)9/24/1918
13897McGraw, Samuel W. 
08998McGriff, Harriett L.30/12/1925
03244McGriff, James A.8/8/1893
04131McGriff, James A. (Guardianship of Heirs)2/2/1899
12352McGuff, Sarah E. 
04227McGuire, Charles A. (Guardianship of Heirs)8/4/1899
12515-AMcGunegill, Clark 
14230McHargue, Hallett, S. (Guardianship) 
06533McHarque, Thomas11/17/1921
10186McIlvaine, William A.6/22/1935
01137McIntire, John4/28/1875
14231McInturf, Ora Lee 
06662McInturf, Rosalie6/21/1916
09588McInturf, Rosalie (Guardianship)6/11/1923
00817McInturf, Samuel5/14/1860
01729McInturf, Washington10/11/1876
13624McKean, James S. 
12034McKee, Port 
09114McKeefer, Edward R.5/1/1925
02074McKenzie, John P.12/29/1852
11906McKibben, Charles E. 
05071McKimmey, James6/17/1876
02391McKimmey, Jesse7/17/1883
03125McKimmey, Jesse (Guardianship of Heirs)7/23/1883
06985McKimmey, Jesse W.1/1/1917
10725McKimmey, Rebecca B. 
05425McKimmey, Sanford L.8/23/1906
11786McKinely, Emma 
03320McKinley, Alexander (Guardianship of Heirs)9/7/1868
08738McKinley, Edward A.5/24/1926
09727McKinley, Edward A. (Guardianship of Heir)6/13/1927
12829McKinley, Elijah (Guardianship of Heir) 
14075McKinley, Elizabeth 
11564McKinley, Florence P. 
11534McKinley, Florence V. (Guardianship) 
10659McKinley, Frank E. 
07454McKinley, George 
08996McKinley, George (Guardianship of Heirs)26/7/1920
12981McKinley, George C. 
12698McKinley, George C. (Guardianship) 
13363McKinley, James Alfred (Guardianship) 
09981McKinley, Jasper4/18/1931
10813McKinley, John 
00986Mckinley, John S.11/6/1867
08806McKinley, Joseph Clark11/27/1920
12155McKinley, Joseph Clark (Guardianship) 
06299McKinley, Laura S.11/6/31
12737McKinley, Lauretta 
07677McKinley, Lura1/8/1921
02420McKinley, Malinda5/10/1886
03564McKinley, Martha L. (Guardianship)7/5/1895
12801McKinley, Mary D. 
10368McKinley, Nancy Jane7/17/1935
12245McKinley, Salome H. 
00186McKinley, Samuel8/1851
02320McKinley, Samuel (Guardianship)5/14/1851
13089McKinley, Samuel K. 
00792McKinley, William9/12/1865
10697McKinley, William F. 
06237McKinney, Annette9/8/31
10742McKinney, Arthur L. 
12995McKinney, Bertha 
10836McKinney, Julia (See Additions, Box 1, at end of probate, for 2nd folder) 
05821McKinney, Julia K.n. d.
05496McKinney, Turner C.1/10/1913
12259McKinty, John 
02032Mckinzie, John P.11/4/1853
11738McKissick, William M. 
00337McLain, Archibald6/4/1857
14232McLain, Bertha I. (Guardianship) 
08151McLain, David A.5/2/1923
03112McLain, George W.8/28/1893
03732McLain, George W. (Guardianship of Heir)11/25/1893
05239McLain, George W. (Guardianship of Heir)11/12/1900
01098McLain, Isaac4/17/1873
01511McLain, Isaac (Heirs)5/1/1873
06064McLain, Matilda1/30/31
00856McLain, Thomas J.8/23/1869
00757McLain, William2/25/1861
00695McLain, William M.1/2/1861
01755McLaughin, John W. (Guardianship of Heirs)6/11/1872
09327McLaughlin, Amanda J.1/29/1926
14233McLaughlin, Columbus (Guardianship) 
13986McLaughlin, Edith 
00123McLaughlin, James2/13/1844
04810McLaughlin, James12/15/1908
00795McLaughlin, James6/5/1845
03460McLaughlin, John12/3/1891
07070McLaughlin, Martha1/15/1920
11126McLaughlin, Melrose Wamer 
03109McLaughlin, Millender R. (Guardianship of Heirs)2/20/1877
07112McLaughlin, Minnie M.7/25/1919
11287McLaughlin, Myrlea F. 
04248McLaughlin, Orintha J.7/18/1904
04675McLaughlin, Orlando5/28/1908
01579McLaughlin, Soloman (Heirs)9/14/1864
09481McLellan, Nancy A.1923
08236McLellan, Nancy A.3/11/1924
02567McLintock, Elizabeth (Guardianship of Heirs)2/7/1868
11444McMahan, Alma Pearl 
10492McMahan, Enoch W.1/9/1926
04597McMahan, Harriet E. (guardianship of heirs)10/23/1900
03860McMahan, Harriett E. (Guardianship of Heirs)1/24/1890
03387McMahan, John R.8/5/1889
07102McMahan, Minerva A.4/30/1921
13646McMahan, Oscar P. 
11780McMahan, Samantha 
04225McMahan, Winfield W.12/29/1903
01627McManus, John5/15/1855
14072McMillan Adelaide P. 
06132McMillian, Samuel B.5/14/1928
08824McMillin, Samuel B.11/5/1929
11236McMillion, Elizabeth R. 
08136McMillion, Marion D.1/26/1924
00353McMullen A.J. [Andrew J.]11/21/1854
02652McMullen, John (Guardianship of Heirs)10/12/1884
01693McNair, James W.8/31/1880
03834McNairy, Francis3/9/1894
09156McNairy, Margaret J.1922
07662McNairy, Samuel09/16/1920
10459McNary, John H. 
08221McNaughton, Anna C.10/3/1923
04884McNaughton, William A.5/28/1909
09261McNeal, Mary W.12/5/1928
10388McNeal, Mary W. (Guardianship of Heir)3/3/1935
07866McNeeley, Flora3/11/1922
03254McNees, Alfred N. (Guardianship of Heir)3/26/1897
10287McNelley, Benjamin E.(Guardianship of Heir)5/5/1920
12880McNelly, Cyrus 
07415McNelly, James G.12/6/1918
01044McNelly, William9/15/1870
08852McPhee, John1/12/1927
13112McPherson, Effie M.4/1943
12893McPherson, John 
08257McPike, Carrie10/20/1923
08301McPike, Carrie (Guardianship of Heirs)10/25/1923
05266McProud, Lewis W.3/6/1913
06658McProud, Virginia M.5/3/1915
14034McRae, Mary (Guardianship of Heir) 
04938McRae, Robert D.O.10/25/1909
10661McRae, Sabina 
00525McSherry, Polly1863
10960McShirley, Enos 
06791McWhinney, Elizabeth A. (Guardianship of Heir)n. d.
07458McWhinney, Elizabeth A. (Guardianship of Heir)5/11/1918
08666McWilliams, Ashbury3/17/1927


08072McWilliams, Enosno date
08060McWilliams, Jane1923
03414Mead, Daniel E.1/23/1893
05999Mead, Eunice C.7/25/1928
03785Means, Eliza J.11/16/1899
04160Means, Eliza J. (Guardianship of Heir)12/4/1899
11351Means, Shirley 
03651Means, Wesley3/23/1899
12832Meckel, Alice I. 
09335Meckel, Jacob N.5/26/1926
08760Meckel, Jacob N.5/26/1926
08493Medearis, Fred (Guardanship of Heirs)11/3/1919
12165Medearis, Fred A. (Guardianship of Heir) 
12166Medearis, Fred A. (Guardianship of Heir) 
12167Medearis, Fred A. (Guardianship of Heir) 
12024Medsker, Chauncey L. 
13494Medsker, Leora A. 
14238Medsker, Melvin E. 
00944Meeeker, Rueben (Guardianship of Heirs)9/4/1869
08481Meehan, Dora E.8/24/1921
11615Meehan, John J. 
12228Meehan, John J. 
12647Meehan, Margaret A. 
12381Meehan, Margaret A. (Guardainship) 
04296Meeker, Henry9/22/1905
02781Meeker, John7/16/1888
06798Meeker, John Frank (Guardianship of Heirs)6/3/1914
06409Meeker, Martin L. (Guardianship of Heirs)1/15/1929
06042Meeker, Menzo J.5/9/1923
05173Meeker, Nahtaniel (Guardianship of Heir)3/19/1906
13343Meeker, William A. 
12340Meeker, Willis B. 
06180Meeks, Allie M. Dudley5/21/32
13132Meeks, Alonzo L. 
02212Meeks, Amos4/16/1877
11885Meeks, Elizabeth D. 
13410Meeks, Flora M. 
13135-1Meeks, Flora M. (Guardianship) 
13135-2Meeks, Flora M. (Guardianship) 
02918Meeks, Isaac1/26/1891
06053Meeks, J. Arthur5/8/30
06054Meeks, J. Arthur5/8/30
10065-1Meeks, J. Arthur5/4/1928
10065-2Meeks, J. Arthur6/8/1920
10065-3Meeks, J. Arthur5/4/1928
05597Meeks, James W.12/23/1913
03619Meeks, John W.6/21/1898
04020Meeks, John W. (Guardianship of Heir)7/5/1900
11053Meeks, Louesa C. 
13626Meeks, Louesa C. (Guardianship of Heirs) 
09567Meeks, Martin L.10/16/1928
11889Meeks, Mary C. 
07269Meeks, Mary E.1/23/1917
12338Meeks, Pearl L. 
04883Meeks, Robert6/12/1908
052201/2Meeks, Robertn. d.
05733Meeks, Robert (Guardianship of Heirs)9/22/1909
10557Meeks, Robert H. 
12959Meeks, Vernon M. 
06681Meeks, William A.8/7/1916
10325Meese, Ida (Guardianship)4/14/1934
05187Mellinger, John H.7/11/1898
01515Melton, Clement L.2/17/1899
03671Melton, Clement L. (Guardianship)12/16/1897
12993Melvin, Edna 
06313Melvin, Elizabeth2/11/32
05964Melvin, Frank5/12/31
12153Melvin, Frank (Guardianship) 
08055Menard, David O.1919
07058Menard, Lucille (Guardianship)5/10/1919
07034Menard, Peter2/1/1924
08160Menard, Peter (Guardianship of Heirs)1924
00686Mendenhall, Jesse1/5/1861
00801Mendenhall, Jesse (Heirs of)1/7/1863
07777Mendenhall, John7/26/1920
06021Meranda, Dora A.9/15/31
05882Meranda, Matilda A.12/10/1929
08971Merando, Neil H.1/7/1924
09047Mercer, Elizabeth Jane5/2/1929
08792Mercer, Francis Marion1/14/1927
10312Mercer, Walter W. (Guardainship of Heirs)12/19/1934
08952Merchant, Daniel18/9/1923
03799Meredith, Elmer E.11/10/1897
05984Meredith, John F.12/1/30
10214Meredith, Paul O.1/4/1934
02199Merrel, Charles9/5/1870
14071Merrell, Cora Peck 
12096Merrell, Fredus R. 
01615Messer, Mary (Guardianship)6/9/1871
13442Messerschmidt, Catherine 
06075Messerschmidt, Herman1/15/31
06564Messersmith, Hiram12/28/1914
00745Messinger, Elizabeth5/21/1864
00605Messinger, Michael1859
00685Messinger, Michael3/26/1859
00567Messinger, Michael7/10/1862
06609Metcalf, James R.1/31/1917
01735Metcalf, Laurel F. (Guardianship)8/25/1881
05202Metcalf, Suitham7/14/1870
11567Metsker, Commodore D. 
11981Metsker, Minnie G. 
03232Metts, Milton S. (Guardianship of Heir)7/20/1892
11411Metzger, Henry 
07265Metzker, Jacob K.5/25/1915
05728Metzker, Mark B. (Guardianship of Heir)7/13/1914
06993Metzker, Mark B. (Guardianship of Heirs)3/22/1918
06994Metzker, Mark B. (Guardianship of Heirs)4/3/1919
10189Meyer, Oliver2/8/1934
09088Meyers, Gertrude27/8/1923
11281Meyers, Henry G. 
00295Michael, Adam1856
00369Michael, Adam3/18/1869
08331Michael, David2/23/1922
05174Michael, Elijah (Guardianship of Heir)9/20/1904
02606Michael, Emily (Guardianship of Heirs)4/7/1881
09086Michael, Eveline4/9/1923
00148Michael, George5/1844
00062Michael, Gregory7/2/1843
13484Michael, Harry 
07478Michael, Mary A.2/26/1918
12723Michael, Mary G. 
13802Michael, Mary G. (Guardianship of Heir) 
03689Michael, Samuel2/1/1899
02317Michael, Simon George (Guardianship)11/4/1852
07156Michael, Simon M.3/23/1917
07156Michael, Simon M.3/23/1917
07203Michael, Simon M.3/9/1917
05910Michael, Simon M. (Guardianship of Heirs)2/8/1918
05472Michael, William A.4/15/1912
07575Michael, William A. (Guardianship of Heirs)10/17/1923
10282Michael, William A.(Guardianship of Heirs)11/14/1916
07480Michener, Caroline P.5/8/1918
07266Michener, George W.7/11/1914
02468Michener, William S.3/3/1886
02485Michener, William S. (Guardianship of Heirs)4/29/1887
02653Michener, William S. (Guardianship of Minor Heirs)3/26/1888
05211Mickey, Christiana9/8/1908
05212Mickey, Christiana9/18/1908
09738Middleton, Charles W.1/19/1931
13544Middleton, Cora E. 
12441Middleton, Eliza Walker 
09365Middleton, Minetta (Guardianship of Heirs)6/17/1919
11517Mier, Walter O. 
01789Miers, Franklin (Guardianship)2/8/1870
14239Miers, Peter, Sr. 
06562Mikesell, Luther Wayne2/16/34
07495Milholland, Maggie (Guardianship)6/1/1918
10723-1Milhollin, Ida 
10723-2Milhollin, Ida 
04962Milhollin, Mary11/1/1909
04087Milhollin, Nathan1/5/1902
10076Milhollin, Samuel10/29/1934
07615Miller William07/14/1921
10713Miller, Ada May 
08417Miller, Adan Harvey11/26/1924
03069Miller, Adolph10/3/1891
03091Miller, Adolph (Guardianship of Heir)11/21/1892
08047Miller, Alexander02/06/1922
04738Miller, Alfred1/11/1908
04854Miller, Alfred (Guardianship)3/6/1909
00900Miller, Alfred (Guardianship)5/19/1851
02290Miller, Alfred (Guardianship)5/19/1851
12284Miller, Alfred Isaac 
04298Miller, Amanda1/24/1905
05553Miller, Amelia12/6/1913
12722Miller, Bessie L. 
01237Miller, Calvin (Guardianship)3/4/1876
07919Miller, Caroline8/1/1922
02108Miller, Charles5/30/1867
10651Miller, Charles 
13862Miller, Charles A. 
12237Miller, Charles E. 
08866Miller, Charles Hobart4/6/1926
08061Miller, Charles L.1923
10423Miller, Claud L. (Guardianship of Heir) 
09205Miller, Claude L.4/1929
06080Miller, Cruden1/8/1927
11679Miller, Cruden (Guardianship of Heirs) 
00189Miller, Daniel3/1850
03442Miller, Daniel1/8/1891
08164Miller, Daniel3/18/1924
04843Miller, Daniel B.2/21/1908
04847Miller, Daniel B.3/30/1908
07537Miller, David5/29/1920
10694Miller, David 
11257Miller, David I. 
04813Miller, Effie1/2/1909
04082Miller, Elijah7/18/1902
07661Miller, Eliza B.11/28/1921
12332Miller, Ellen 
04711Miller, Emma A. (Guardianship of Heirs)3/26/1897
02589-AMiller, Emma A.(Guardianship of Heirs)3/26/1897
09090Miller, Emma R.16/10/1923
10254Miller, Ervin E.8/27/1934
12846Miller, Francis Joseph (Guardianship of Heirs) 
08093Miller, Frank7/31/1922
11953Miller, Frank R. 
12646Miller, Frank R. 
13290Miller, Fred J. 
10761Miller, Fremont 
04711-BMiller, Frnaklin B.8/6/1908
03917Miller, George F.3/26/1901
03974Miller, George F. (Guardianship of Heirs)8/13/1901
02536Miller, George W.2/28/1887
12130Miller, George W. 
05863Miller, Gladys M.4/13/1928
10387Miller, Gladys M. (Guardianship of Heirs)3/23/1935
06045Miller, Harold E.8/15/1925
04182Miller, Harriet6/11/1904
04588Miller, Harrison C.10/12/1906
02804Miller, Harrison J. (Guardianship of Heirs)3/1/1876
09966Miller, Harry S.3/9/1929
01932Miller, Henry2/13/1883
03735Miller, Henry (Guardianship of Heirs)6/13/1884
07732Miller, Henry L.1/8/1921
01003Miller, Homer B.9/24/1870
13370-AMiller, Ida F. (Guardianship) 
13370-BMiller, Ida F. (Guardianship) 
06504Miller, Ida Green11/9/33
03768Miller, Jackson8/8/1899
00630Miller, Jacob10/6/1864
07515Miller, Jacob5/16/1921
08365Miller, Jacob (Guardianship of Heirs)7/20/1918
06621Miller, Jacob A.3/26/1915
13774Miller, James A. 
14004Miller, James Franklin 
08314Miller, James H.2/18/1924
08936Miller, Jennie A.25/10/1925
00177Miller, John12/13/1848
13153Miller, John 
06577Miller, John H.3/1/1912
07314Miller, John H.1/1/1910
07314Miller, John H.1910
09448Miller, John H.10/12/1927
10032Miller, John H.7/19/1930
01577Miller, John H. (Guardianship)12/25/1877
11960Miller, Joseph S. 
06398Miller, Josephine4/11/33
09023Miller, Josephine?/1/1927
13717Miller, Josephine 
01274Miller, Levi12/31/1872
05407Miller, Lewis O. (Guardianship of Heir)10/3/1896
11686Miller, Lucien 
04541Miller, Lucinda6/13/190
04645Miller, Lucinda4/15/1907
09334Miller, Luther F.5/19/1926
10084Miller, Margaret L.5/11/1934
11307Miller, Margaret L. (Guardianship of Heirs) 
08698Miller, Martha E.10/3/1925
10969Miller, Mary 
02161Miller, Mary A.3/1/1893
10386-1Miller, Mary A. (Guardianship)5/12/1933
10386-2Miller, Mary A. (Guardianship)5/12/1933
10386-3Miller, Mary A. (Guardianship)5/12/1933
05620Miller, Mary E.6/5/1913
08076Miller, Mary E.01/27/1922
11597Miller, Mary E. 
07845Miller, Mary E. (Guardianship of Heir)3/18/1919
11731Miller, Maude 
03756Miller, Nancy12/10/1898
03657Miller, Nancy (Guardianship)6/18/1894
08473Miller, Oliver B.11/18/1924
09856Miller, Oliver M. (Guardianship)1923
05075Miller, Oliver T. (Guardianship)6/7/1904
08347Miller, Ollie (Guardianship)10/29/1923
10666Miller, Ora E. 
10445Miller, Orlando F. 
12314Miller, Otis O. 
11245Miller, Perry 
07995Miller, Perry M.02/24/1922
10003Miller, Phoebe A.4/3/1930
14240Miller, Posey 
07476Miller, Rachel1/3/1920
01575Miller, Rebecca A.1/8/1877
06727.5Miller, Rezin M.12/15/1916
01534Miller, Rhuhama3/5/1879
11727Miller, Robert 
05193Miller, Sanford3/11/1902
10543Miller, Sarah Catherine 
06207Miller, Sarah Catherine (Gaurdianship)10/26/32
09284Miller, Sarah E.5/29/1925
08884Miller, Sarah E.7/2/1925
01980Miller, Simon5/2/1879
11256Miller, Sophia 
02607Miller, Sophronia (Guardianship)4/26/1888
05879Miller, Squire1/14/30
05909Miller, Steward F. (Guardianship of Heir)10/29/1929
09769Miller, Stweard F.10/29/1929
01259Miller, Thomas C.10/9/1876
03152Miller, Thomas C. (Guardianship of Heirs)1/12/1877
10931Miller, Thomas V. 
13718Miller, Virginia C. 
06505Miller, Walter11/9/33
00151Miller, William2/15/1842
07606Miller, William06/19/1920
09765Miller, William A.5/9/1928
08096Miller, William A.1/8/1923
08825Miller, William A. (Guardianship of Heirs)11/5/1928
08726Miller, William S.1/12/1925
06062Miller, William S. (Guardianship of Heirs)1/9/1926
12468Miller, William T. 
07020Millholland, Charles V.1/10/1919
13693Milligan, Lester M. 
12927Milligan, Martha 
09538Milligan, Orla B.1/5/1929
10069Millikan, Martha6/22/1923
07564Milliner, John F.6/10/1921
09540Milliner, John F.2/14/1921
10962Mills, Cassius C. 
01572Mills, Charles (Guardiaship)1/23/1873
10576Mills, Ella 
07642Mills, Emory Smith6/13/1919
00558Mills, George1863
10980Mills, Jacob R. 
09445Mills, Jane5/1921
10925Mills, Mattie Elizabeth 
09788Mills, Sarah M.1/28/1930
09269Mills, Thomas E.1/20/1929
11527Millspaugh, Henry E. 
04414Milner, Charles R.7/7/1904
01876Miltank, Christopher1/19/1882
08384Miltenberger, Ernest J. (Guardianship of Heirs)3/27/1925
07704Mincer, Bert (Guardianship of Heir)3/28/1922
05331Mincer, Bert J.3/21/1913
04450Mingle, Elizabeth6/9/1906
03811Mingle, Gustus9/22/1898
05309Mingle, Gustus (Guardianship of Heir)11/11/1898
05954Mingle, Idona7/12/30
12815Mingle, Minerva J. 
02367Minnich, George3/1845
06956Minnich, William (Guardianship of Heir)5/22/1919
12324Minnich, William (Guardianship of Heir) 
01552Minnick, Andrew1/28/1879
11285Minnick, Bessie A. 
11962Minnick, Lydia A. 
01687Minnick, Magdalene10/28/1880
12486Minnick, Ola V. 
06871Minnick, Reuben (Guardianship of Heirs)6/19/1907
04527Minnick, Reuben C.4/24/1905
04528Minnick, Reuben C.4/24/1905
07012Minor, Arthur C.4/28/1916
07516Minor, Arthur C.4/16/1921
09239Minor, Arthur C. (Guardianship of Heirs)8/4/1919
06097Minor, Marcus Ward (Guardianship of Heir)2/26/1919
06098Minor, Marcus Ward (Guardianship of Heir)2/26/1919
10785Minor, Rutha Ann 
00251Minshall, Levi1836
09011Minton, Charles N.17/7/1928
09094Minton, Clara May7/4/1924
03521Minton, John2/16/1900
07267Minton, William12/7/1914
10796Minton, William (Guardianship of Heir) 
00833Mires, Peter8/24/1864
00767Mires, William1/16/1864
02899Missingn. d.
02906Missingn. d.
01254Missing (or 01255) 
11816Mitchell, Carl M. 
07268Mitchell, Catherine12/11/1909
10514Mitchell, Dora Belle9/18/1934
09080Mitchell, Dora F.28/1/1924
05417Mitchell, Ella (Guardianship of Heirs)9/7/1898
10881Mitchell, Elmira 
13956Mitchell, Forrest Lee (Guardianship of Heirs) 
06268Mitchell, George S.12/16/32
06590Mitchell, Harvey12/1/1909
02107Mitchell, Howard5/27/1869
07230Mitchell, Jael9/4/1918
04464Mitchell, James Q.8/18/1905
07667Mitchell, John R.3/27/1920
05020Mitchell, Leroy Harlan4/19/1911
10242Mitchell, Marcellus W. 
11153Mitchell, Marcellus W. 
12417Mitchell, Marinda Ellen 
13601Mitchell, Mary Alice 
12156Mitchell, Minnie E. (Guardianship) 
12632Mitchell, Ottie D. 
01530Mitchell, Samuel E.2/24/1871
12694Mitchell, Samuel E. 
03230Mitchell, Samuel E. (Guardianship of Heirs)10/1/1887
01280Mitchell, Samuel W.2/2/1877
06190Mitchell, Sarah6/24/32
05898Mitchell, Sarah (Guardianship of Heirs)6/24/32
03347Mitchell, Sarah E.7/19/1894
01267Mitchell, Thomas C.8/2/1864
00351Mitchell, William8/20/1854
04725Mitchell, William H. (Guardianship of Heirs)12/12/1906
10360Mitchell, Zella A.6/26/1935
13075Mithoff, Helen S. 
01576Mittenger, William W. (Guardianship)4/25/1863
10046Mix, Charles M.7/2/1930
11434Mix, Charles M. (Guardianship of Heir) 
02087Mobley, John (Guardianship of Heirs)6/4/1864
00816Mobley, John [Mohley]6/1/1863
05236Mock, Andrew R.11/25/1910
05569Mock, Andrew R. (Guardianship of Heirs)6/10/1911
06252Mock, Lillie F.9/26/32
08695Mock, Sarah E.1/28/1926
10828Mock, Warren 
00811Modlin, John10/1/1855
00404Modlin, Levi4/7/1836
05201Modlin, Margaret2/16/1901
13128Modlin, Mary A. 
03537Modlin, William5/22/1900
12702Moffett, Bertha Edith 
10787-1Moffett, Irvin9/27/1928
10787-2Moffett, Irvin 
02930Moffett, Lambert2/20/1892
11457Moffett, Martha R. 
11410Moffett, Robert E. 
08015Moffett, Sarah J.01/18/1923
03001Moffett, W. H.11/11/1892
03845Moffitt, Mary A.7/22/1899
00364Mohler, Daniel5/9/1837
01727Mohler, Daniel (Guardianship)2/16/1867
01046Mohoney, Clemard2/28/1872
01900Moler, James8/7/1866
07821Molfett, Sarah J.9//11/1920
10111Moller, Catharine1/4/1934
09131Monagham, William I.2/6/1920
03560Mong, Robert H.3/24/1896
04520Mong, Susan S.4/9/1906
09001Mong, Thomas M.14/4/1921
08727Mong, Zachariah T. (Guardianship of Heir)8/22/1925
05217Mong, Zachary T.2/17/1911
13453Mongrain, Lillie Hannegan 
11522Monks, Elizabeth A. 
11622Monroe, Cora 
06449Monroe, edward1/9/33
10209Monroe, George W.6/26/1933
06623Montgomery, Elizabeth J.2/11/1916
09457Montgomery, Eugene S. (Guardianship of Heir)5/1/1929
00865Montgomery, Isom C.11/27/1865
03343Montgomery, Mary E.3/1/1890
07442Montross, James (Guardianship of Heirs)2/14/1919
00414Moodey, Martin10/14/1842
08830Moody, Alva2/3/1928
00907Moody, Elizabeth1/9/1869
03420Moody, James7/27/1892
00660Moody, John10/6/1862
01573Moody, John (Guardianship of Heirs)6/14/1867
08227Moody, M.J. Partnership)1/17/1925
04380Moody, Margaret A.V.2/9/105
00595Moody, Martin1866
01056Moody, Mary9/5/1870
09661Moody, Sarah M.1/26/1926
09904Moody, William H. (Guardianship)5/26/1927
03218Moomaw, Calvin F.9/21/1894
03488Moomaw, Calvin F.1/8/1897
09263Moomaw, Sarah12/19/1928
02685Moon, Ida L.9/21/1903
05397Moon, Ida L. (Guardianship of Heirs)7/28/1904
13386Moon, Jabez T. 
03038Moon, Jacob (Guardianship of Heirs)2/28/1866
02280Moore (Guardianship)8/13/1845
00171Moore, [John] Spencer10/23/1846
02201Moore, Aaron7/3/1873
06084Moore, Alberta1/6/1928
10147Moore, Alberta (Guardianship of Heirs)1/5/1933
07421Moore, Alcinda5/30/1919
00108Moore, Amos1/13/1840
01140Moore, Amos3/27/1875
09248Moore, Anna F.6/21/1928
08674Moore, Benjamin F.2/12/1926
08896Moore, Calvin W.07/25/1926
09332Moore, Catharine4/23/1926
04735Moore, Catharine (Guradianship for Heir)5/6/1908
03573Moore, Charles W.2/26/1898
04505Moore, Charles W.5/10/1905
04378Moore, Clara J.5/11/1905
02735Moore, David9/5/1890
07336Moore, Emily I.8/10/1915
07336Moore, Emily I.8/10/1915


00403Moore, Enos8/16/1848
13820Moore, Evaline 
08544Moore, George A.8/25/1926
14106Moore, Ida L. 
00201Moore, James H.1847
09019Moore, James H.?/1/1929
01119Moore, James H. (Guardianship of Heirs)7/26/1855
03092Moore, Jesse12/22/1893
00088Moore, John1841
01580Moore, John (Heirs)2/10/1841
13694Moore, John R. 
03519Moore, John S.6/1/1903
10629Moore, Joseph H.1/7/1936
00622Moore, Juliann D.7/29/1854
06678Moore, Lewis5/22/1916
12822Moore, Lois (Guardianship of Heirs) 
06630Moore, Maria3/13/1915
06632Moore, Maria2/23/1915
01762Moore, Mark1/1/1881
02318Moore, Martha (Guardianship)8/9/1852
11595Moore, Martin L. 
11318Moore, Martin Luther (Guardianship) 
12216Moore, Martin Luther (Guardianship) 
04320Moore, Mary A.12/22/1905
11881Moore, Mary C. 
06392Moore, Mary K.3/21/33
03262Moore, Mary V.11/23/1895
01766Moore, Matilda2/3/1881
03389Moore, Miles C.8/24/1883
13445Moore, Minnie Gertrude 
01584Moore, Nancy A.10/3/1871
06447Moore, Ophelia G.12/22/32
03475Moore, Parker11/8/1900
07712Moore, Parker T.12/18.1920
00017Moore, Phillip10/3/1836
13024Moore, Ralph F. (Petition) 
12758Moore, Robert E. 
13725Moore, Robert Herchel 
10198Moore, Rufus W.9/15/1930
03595Moore, Salina8/30/1897
01496Moore, Samuel2/8/1871
02031Moore, Samuel8/9/1852
01368Moore, Samuel (Guardianship of Heirs)2/24/1872
01837Moore, Sarah5/31/1883
10477Moore, Sarah11/27/1934
11771Moore, Sarah A. 
09516Moore, Susanna9/27/1928
07636Moore, Thomas K.12/30/1918
10238Moore, Will H. 
05509Moore, William E. (Guardianship of Heir)3/3/1913
03847Moore, William R.11/13/1899
11353Moorehead, Charles 
12991Moorehead, Charles 
12004Moppin, Leonard 
11989Moran, James W. 
03047Morehart, Lillie3/15/1894
08934Morehouse, Charles S.20/9/1927
09822Moreland, David2/14/1930
09872Moreland, David (Guardianship)2/12/1930
09525Moreland, David L.7/13/1928
11625Moreland, Franklin 
11356Moreland, Henry 
04443Moreland, Margaret A.11/6/1902
07600Moreland, May D.00/00/1921
04599Moreland, William H.6/27/1907
10028Morgan, Charles6/30/1930
07707Morgan, Charles (Guardianship of Heir)11/19/1921
06880Morgan, Charles (Heir)11/6/1918
10443Morgan, George R. 
13375Morgan, Juanita (Guardianship) 
08189Morgan, Mary A.5/10/1923
07989Morgan, Matilda A.01/04/1922
13627Morgan, Paul (Guardianship) 
05896Morgan, Rollie (Guardianship of Heirs)1/8/1919
06992Morgan, Sarah V. (Guardianship of Heirs)12/29/1905
08280Morgan, Sidney Belle2/19/1923
04370Morin, John A.7/30/1906
12442Morlan, Alma Long 
12851Morris, Alfred W. 
09191Morris, Alonzo11/5/1923
10293Morris, Alonzo (Guardianship of Heir)2/12/1932
07669Morris, Bennie6/23/1920
13228Morris, Bertha Alma 
13439Morris, Catherine 
07531Morris, Emma I.3/11/1919
11805Morris, Frank 
05953Morris, Garrie (Guardianship of Heirs)10/13/1919
12532Morris, Herman Wendell (Guardianship) 
06186Morris, Hugh6/8/32
04605Morris, John Fletcher1/26/1907
07703Morris, John Fletcher (Guardianship of Heir)0/00/1915
08407Morris, John Fletcher (Guardianship of Heirs)8/19/1907
09557Morris, John H.2/3/1926
12220Morris, Laura A. 
12221Morris, Laura A. 
11798Morris, Leslie E. 
12382Morris, Leslie E. (Guardianship of Heirs) 
10833Morris, Lily B. 
07675Morris, Martha J. 
01581Morris, Mary (Heirs)9/19/1863
07140Morris, Robert M.1/9/1919
07140Morris, Robert M.1/9/1919
06527Morris, Sirilda4/12/33
07560Morris, Smith A.10/23/1918
12519-BMorrison, Irvin L. 
10379Morrison, Lillian Louise (Guardianship)5/13/1935
13459Morrison, Mary H. 
11821Morrison, Peter King 
13836Morrison, Vyica (Vycie) E. 
09079Morrissey, John J.31/1/1924
08266Morrissey, John J.6/18/1925
11507Morrow, Charles P. 
10142Morrow, Mary P.7/26/1934
09933Morrow, Thomas E.10/26/1929
12387Morvilius, Earl (Guardianship of Heirs) 
12451Morvilius, Earl E. 
11294Mosier, Carrie Luella 
07237Moss, Delbert (Guardianship)n. d.
04300Moss, Emma9/20/1905
10129Moss, Henry A.4/2/1934
07255Moss, Lizzie (Guardianship of Heir)9/5/1919
08893Moss, Martha E.09/20/1924
02325Moss, William J.3/14/1870
13826Mossman, Walter A. 
00803Mote, Aaron11/5/1856
02806Mote, Harvey H.4/7/1883
02570Mote, Isaiah9/16/1875
01878Mote, Isaiah12/13/1882
01277Mote, Isaiah (Guardianship)11/18/1874
03176Motes, Hannah4/16/1895
04269Motes, John1/19/1901
02200Motes, John12/14/1872
09736Motsenbocker, James M.10/12/1929
14241Motsenbocker, Lillie O. (Guardianship) 
06610Mott, Lydia12/8/1915
00994Moure, Mary Ellen (Guardianship)9/28/1864
04669Moveland, David L. (Guardianship)7/8/1908
02714Mowery, John4/22/1884
09121Mowrer, Sarah E.21/3/1925
07506AMowrey, John1/22/1920
05503Mowrey, John L. (Guardianship of Heirs8/22/1911
06486Mowrey, Leroy D.9/20/33
14001Mowrey, Winifred 
05708Mowrey,John L.3/28/1911
11407Moylan, Patrick 
11370Mt. Zion Methodist Episcopal Church (Trusteeship) 
01246Muchmore, Samuel12/24/1868
09336Mueller, Henry6/2/1926
09446Mueller, Julia A.5/6/1926
10382Mueller, Julia A. (Guardianship of Heirs)12/2/1926
01562Mueller, Peter1/16/1877
03099Mueller, Peter (Guardianship of Heirs)1/16/1877
08719Mueller, Phillip10/6/1926
08808Mulholland, James R. (Guardianship of Heir)1923
08809Mulholland, James R. (Guardianship of Heir)1/14/1921
06245Mull, Rachel C.7/27/32
11900Mullen, Maude 
06518Mullen, Pauline6/23/32
14242Mullen, Ralph 
01271Mullen, Sussanah (Guardianship of Heirs)1/1872
10252Mullin, Emmitt7/16/1934
09316Mullin, Sarah1/13/1926
05411Mullins, Franklin P. (Guardianship of Heirs)4/5/1909
04706Mullins, Franklin P., Sr.6/5/1908
13116Mulreed, Alice J. 
02863Mulreed, John9/22/1891
04766Mulreed, John (Guardianship fo Heir)9/25/1891
04767Mulreed, John (Guardianship fo Heir)9/25/1891
09128Muncie Trust Co.24/2/1920
13395Mundell, Mary E. 
05191Mundwyler, Charles H.11/27/1907
03940Munn, Amas S.3/29/1901
03765Munsey, Bessie D. (Guardianship)12/11/1896
06905Munsey, Catherine12/21/1917
05605Munsey, David O.11/3/1913
02105Munsey, Elbert10/5/1859
00718Munsey, ELizabeth Jane (Guardianship)1/26/1861
05799Munsey, James G.7/3/1914
03774AMunsey, Jesse S.11/29/1901
03774BMunsey, Jesse S.11/29/1901
04482Munsey, Jesse S.9/3/1901
05634Munsey, Louisa Ann5/21/1912
04283Munson, Martha A.8/22/1907
12281Murdick, Daniel P. 
04476Murphey, Boze8/15/1904
12134Murphey, John C. 
09055Murphy, Amanda A.1/12/1927
08393Murphy, Amanda A. (Guardianship)9/11/1919
04274Murphy, Anna E.6/30/1904
08308Murphy, Burt A.1/3/1924
14243Murphy, Fred 
00027Murphy, James9/17/1830
00398Murphy, James4/24/1854
10665Murphy, James 
10673Murphy, John 
10691Murphy, Michael 
11923Murphy, Michael 
06711Murphy, Patrick2/9/1917
05545Murphy, Peter3/28/1913
08253Murphy, Peter (Guardianship of Hiers)1925
06114Murphy, Warren, R.2/2/31
05584Murray, Albert P.10/19/1912
09164Murray, Charline K.22/7/1922
05021Murray, Hamilton (Guardianship)3/14/1905
03746Murray, James (Guardianship)1/27/1900
14244Murray, James E. 
10783Murray, Julie Ann 
09681Murray, Lonnie6/20/1929
07542Murray, Louisa H.7/30/1920
09132Murray, Louisa H. (Guardianship of Heirs)30/5/1920
07477Murray, Louisa H. (Guardianship)5/3/1920
11398Murray, Margaret (Guardianship of Heir) 
06565Murray, Martha L.12/2/1913
04420Murray, Mary Ann12/14/1904
12741Murray, Nellie B. 
06041Musser, George O.9/17/30
09388Musser, Laura4/25/1927
08503Mutch, Dora (Guardianship of Heir)1925
10435Mutch, Harry 
02554Mutch, Mary11/13/1886
02593Mutch, Mary (Guardianship of Heirs)1/15/1887
01568Mutchner, Philip E. (Guardianship)9/13/1867
09629Muterspaugh, James A.7/10/1930
10343Myers, Charles H.12/5/1934
06205Myers, Delbert C. (Guardianship)7/26/32
04146Myers, Ebminda10/3/1903
03851Myers, Eliza1/22/1895
11707Myers, Elizabeth E. 
11980Myers, Emma 
05186Myers, George6/6/1900
01622Myers, George A.4/24/1880
11675Myers, Herbert L. (Guardianship) 
01765Myers, Jacob A.6/18/1881
07873Myers, Jacob E.3/27/1923
10501Myers, Jacob E. (Guardianship of Heirs) 
01800Myers, Jesse12/16/1875
12015Myers, John Wesley 
12622Myers, John Wesley 
02580Myers, Joseph3/9/1889
07023Myers, Julia W.7/18/1918
12924Myers, Lillie May 
10413Myers, Mary C.5/22/1935
01817Myers, Mary E.5/11/1865
11277Myers, Mary V. 
13817Myers, Monroe D. 



09521Myers, Samuel J. (Guardianship)5/1924
03233Myers, Sarah11/5/1895
11913Myers, Sarah E. 
02766Myers, Sarah Ellen9/25/1886
03790Myers, Sarah Ellen (Guardianship of Heirs)9/25/1886
03655Myers, Sarah J. (Guardianship of Heir)1/7/1884
01243Myers, Soloman10/30/1873
08731Myers, Thomas6/17/1925
09160Myers, Thomas E.10/6/1922
07432Myers, Thomas E. (Guardianship)9/13/1910
11363Mynatt, Cornelia 
06532Mynatt, Verna1/15/32
10954Mynatt, Verna