Interlibrary Loan

Thanks to our participation in the Interlibrary Loan Network it is often possible to obtain materials from other libraries. It usually takes 4 to 6 weeks for requested items to arrive. We are not able to Interlibrary Loan items less than six months old.

More Information

Thanks to our participation in the Interlibrary Loan Network it is often possible to obtain materials from other libraries. It usually takes 4 to 6 weeks for requested items to arrive. We are not able to Interlibrary Loan items less than six months old.

  • Interlibrary Loan is available to all adult MPL cardholders with the exception of PLAC card holders and Yorktown Reciprocal Borrowers. PLAC and Yorktown borrowers will be asked to contact their respective home libraries for Interlibrary Loan requests.
  • There is a maximum limit of four active Interlibrary Loan requests per card holder.
  • The customer is responsible for keeping their card in good standing. Unlike holds from within MPL, a $2.00 per item charge will be assessed for Interlibrary Loan materials not picked up. If you find an item is no longer needed, please notify Interlibrary Loan at 765-747-8214 immediately and your request will be canceled at no charge.You must call before the material arrives at Muncie Public Library.
  • A fee of $0.25 per day per item is charged for materials returned after the due date. This date is found on the Interlibrary Loan strap around the front cover of the material.
  • To request a renewal, call Interlibrary Loan at 765-747-8214. You must request a renewal at least FOUR DAYS PRIOR TO THE DUE DATE.

Other questions? Feel free to call Interlibrary Loan at 765-747-8214.

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